PDFreactor 11.3 now available

The leading HTML to PDF conversion engine just got even better: PDFreactor 11.3 is now available.

PDFreactor 11.3 is a minor update with great new features and improvements:

The following features and changes were implemented:
  • FusionCharts is now supported. (#5348)
  • Support for validation of PDF/UA documents. (#8269)
  • Preliminary support for WebP. (#7795)
  • Form fields, incl. signature fields, can now be set to “read-only” or “required”. (#8372)
  • New custom properties to tweak the clickable area of links and the scroll target of bookmarks and internal links. (#8371)
The following issues were fixed:
  • Non-content strings in PDF tagging, like Alt-texts, ignore non-Latin characters. (#8344)
  • Base64 data URIs fail to decode if they contain spaces. (#8423)
  • Redirected document URLs are not used as default base URL. (#8397)
  • Hyphenation of some non-lowercased words is incorrect. (#8415)
  • JavaScript “String()” and “new String()” ignore “toString” functions. (#8436)
  • PDF tagging for elements with z-index can cause exceptions. (#8413)
  • Overriding the tagging of list items can cause invalid PDF tag tree structure. (#8406)
  • PDF/UA unnecessarily disables encryption and PDF scripting. (#8404)
  • Various fixes for complex layouts
  • Some fixes for rare exceptions

For a full list of changes and fixes see the changelog.

Important release notes und upgrading information can be found in the readme.

The PDFreactor 11 installation packages are available for download in the download area.