Application Scenarios

Illustrated Book

An illustrated book that uses CSS Grid layout to place components in a two-dimensional structure. On the title page, the grid is configured in a way so that the components automatically fill the available grid spaces in an optimal manner, leaving no white space.

  • Grid Layout
  • Custom Page Size
  • HSL Color Notation

Page size: Custom


An informative pamphlet in two-column layout. Images and tables are floated to either the top or bottom of their respective column. Several components of the document are styled with clip paths to give them a futuristic look. Optionally, the PDF can be created as a booklet using the PDFreactor API.

  • Page Floats
  • Clip Path
  • Multi-Column Layout
  • Mix Blend Modes

Page size: A4


A document consisting of an editor’s version of an article. Typos and wording errors are annotated with change bars. The text is laid out in two columns, snapping to a line grid for improved readability. The document is also overlaid with a CSS-based watermark, designating it as a draft.

  • Change Bars
  • Watermarks
  • Line Grid

Page size: A4

Form Filling

A sample that demonstrates how to use an existing PDF form as a background image. The HTML template consists of absolutely positioned boxes, populated by data from JSON files, and prints them over the PDF background. Text shrink compensates for arbitrarily long data.

  • PDFs as Images
  • Text Shrink
  • AngularJS

Page size: A4

Science Magazine

A magazine article layout using regions to achieve a text flow through freely positioned boxes across pages.

  • Regions
  • Web Fonts
  • Page-filling Background Images
  • Semitransparent backgrounds
  • Text Shadow
  • @supports Rule

Page size: A4


A textbook layout that demonstrates basic page layout features like page headers and footers with page numbers and chapter titles while explaining them.

  • Page Headers & Page Counters
  • First, Last & Named Pages and Page Groups
  • Running Table Headers
  • Gradients
  • Text & Box Shadow
  • Page-relative positioning

Page size: A4

Tourist Brochure

A brochure trifold ready for printing, using spot colors with CMYK fallback colors as well as CMYK TIFF images. Oversized pages provides space for bleed areas and printer marks.

  • Spot & CMYK Colors
  • CMYK TIFF Images
  • Oversized Page Sizes
  • PDF Page Boxes & Printer Marks
  • Web Fonts
  • Transforms

Page size: A4 Landscape

Daily Newspaper

The front page of a newspaper, complete with multi-column layouts and headings that span these columns.

  • Multi-column Layout
  • Web Fonts
  • Barcode
  • CSS Variables
  • Numeric Font Weight

Page size: 325mm × 480mm

Mortgage Calculation

A business document that uses features like PDF comments to add information to the PDF for further processing and running elements to use HTML content in page headers and footers. The canvas elements with charts are embedded into the resulting PDFs as vector graphics.

  • PDF Comments
  • Running Elements
  • Canvas Charts and SVG Images
  • Continuation Markers

Page size: legal


Illustrates tables, graphs and charts in the style of scientific reports. Uses the Open Source JavaScript library “flotr2” as well as “awesomizr.js” which is included with PDFreactor.

  • Manipulating HTML using JavaScript
  • Using JavaScript Libraries
  • Canvas
  • Native Transforms and Gradients
  • PDF Pages as Iterable Images

Page size: letter

Official Form

An HTML and CSS reproduction of a complex form, i.e. the official W-8BEN form used by non-US entities to certify their US tax withholding status.

  • Complex Layout
  • Styled Interactive Forms

Page Size: letter

Corporate Invoice

An invoice sheet that uses AngularJS to populate a template from a JSON source and performs calculations.

  • AngularJS
  • Templating
  • Localized Dates, Numbers & Currencies
  • Subtotal Insertion
  • 2D Barcode

Page size: A4

Technical Documentation

Presents CSS designed to display W3C documents.

  • Cross-references
  • Website as Print
  • Hyperlinks

Page size: A4

Children’s Novel

A classic novel layout with a table of contents generated via JavaScript.

  • Table of Contents
  • Spelled-out Chapter Numbers
  • First-letter Drop Caps
  • Left, Right & Blank Pages
  • Page Groups
  • Automatic Hyphenation
  • 150+ Pages of Content

Page size: letter