Real Customer Applications

Building Services Equipment Product Catalog

  • Cross-references
  • Table of contents
  • Multi-column layout
  • CSS transforms
  • Tables and floats
  • Printer marks
  • CMYK colors

Shows a 680+ page product catalog from Walter Bösch GmbH & Co KG. A Web-to-Print project done by the elements Group (pimcore GmbH) using PDFreactor embedded into Pimcore PIM, an open source enterprise product information management framework.

DIN A4 (32 MB)| more info about PDFreactor + Pimcore PIM

Product Catalogue

Metal Fittings Product Catalog

  • Cross-references
  • Bookmarks
  • Table of contents
  • Multi-column layout
  • CSS transforms
  • Tables & floats
  • Printer marks
  • CMYK colors

See a 240+ page product catalog from Pollmann & Sohn, Germany. A web-to-print project done by Pimcore partner Basilicom using PDFreactor as the Pimcore PDF rendering plug-in.

DIN A-4, 21 MB | more info about PDFreactor + Pimcore

Wood Flooring Price List

  • Multi-column layout
  • CSS transforms
  • Tables and floats
  • Printer marks
  • CMYK colors

See a 130+ page price list from mafi Naturholzboden GmbH, Austria. A B2B/B2C (including web-to-print) project done by the elements Group (pimcore GmbH) using PDFreactor as the Pimcore plug-in.
DIN A4 (5.9 MB)| more info about PDFreactor + Pimcore PIM

Gardening Product Catalog

  • Table of contents
  • Tables & floats
  • Printer marks
  • CMYK colors

See the 160+ page gardening catalog from Windhager Group, Austria. A B2C (including web-to-print) project done by the elements Group (pimcore GmbH) using PDFreactor as the Pimcore plug-in.
DIN A4 (23 MB)more info about PDFreactor + Pimcore PIM

Terrace Designer Report

  • Tables & floats
  • CMYK colors

See the terrace designer report from JAF Group, Austria. Elements Group (pimcore GmbH) built this sophisticating B2B e-commerce platform, using Pimcore eCommerce, Pimcore PIM and RealObjects PDFreactor.
DIN A4 (1 MB)| more info about PDFreactor + Pimcore PIM

HRD Brochures

  • Multi-column layout
  • Sophisticated page design
  • Complex headers and footers
  • Background images

Brochures for HRD and training purposes, created from CMS data for website publishing by Schouten & Nelissen


HRD Brochures

Position Statement

  • Web fonts
  • Generated content
  • Multi-column layout
  • Page margins

Printer-friendly, journal quality position statements (full-length HTML) published by the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS)

US-Letter| case study


  • Alternating page styles (left/right)
  • Dynamic headers and footers with chapter and subchapter title as well as page numbers
  • Multiple tables of contents
  • Justification with automatic hyphenation

Shows the 690+ page public curricula for the Bavarian secondary business schools provided by the Staatsinstitut für Schulqualität und Bildungsforschung (ISB)

DIN A4 (8MB)


  • Highcharts
  • CSS print media query
  • JavaScript

Printable and sharable PDF reports for Reviews, Semantic Analysis, and Guest Surveys provided by ReviewPro



  • Table of Contents
  • Printer marks
  • Graphs

High quality print ready PDFs of learning material and textbooks by EDGE Learning Media