This is the conversion REST API definition and documentation of the PDFreactor Web Service.
Converts the specified configuration or asset package into PDF or image and returns the generated PDF or image.
addAttachments | boolean Enables or disables attachments specified in style sheets. The default value is |
addBookmarks | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use |
addComments | boolean Enables or disables comments in the PDF document. The default value is |
addLinks | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use |
addOverprint | boolean Enables or disables overprinting. The default value is |
addPreviewImages | boolean Enables or disables embedding of image previews per page in the PDF document. The default value is |
addTags | boolean Enables or disables tagging of the PDF document. The default value is |
allowAnnotations | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowAssembly | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowCopy | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowDegradedPrinting | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowFillIn | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowModifyContents | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowPrinting | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowScreenReaders | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
appendLog | boolean Specifies whether or not the log data should be added to the PDF document. The default value is |
attachments | Array of objects (Attachment) Adds a file attachment to PDF document. |
authenticationCredentials | object (KeyValuePair) |
author | string Sets the value of the author field of the PDF document. |
baseUrl | string Sets the base URL of the document. To resolve relative URLs to absolute URLs a reference (base) URL is required. This reference URL is usually the system id of the document. This method can be used to specify another reference URL. If this URL is not The default value is |
baseURL | string Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use |
bookletMode | object (BookletMode) |
callbacks | Array of objects (Callback) Adds callbacks to the conversion which will be called at specific times. All callbacks perform a POST request to the specified URL with the specified content type and a certain model which depends on the callback event. For each callback, you can specify a timeout. If no timeout is specified, the server's default timeout for callbacks is used. A value of zero or negative values indicate an infinite timeout, however the PDFreactor server may have a maximum timeout configured, in which case that will be the used value. Some callbacks might be called regularly during the course of a conversion. For these callbacks you can specify an interval to control how frequently they are called. |
cleanupTool | string (Cleanup) Enum: "CYBERNEKO" "JTIDY" "NONE" "TAGSOUP" |
colorSpaceSettings | object (ColorSpaceSettings) |
conformance | string (Conformance) Enum: "PDF" "PDFA1A" "PDFA1A_PDFUA1" "PDFA1B" "PDFA2A" "PDFA2A_PDFUA1" "PDFA2B" "PDFA2U" "PDFA3A" "PDFA3A_PDFUA1" "PDFA3B" "PDFA3U" "PDFUA1" "PDFX1A_2001" "PDFX1A_2003" "PDFX3_2002" "PDFX3_2003" "PDFX4" "PDFX4P" |
contentObserver | object (ContentObserver) |
continuousOutput | object (ContinuousOutput) |
conversionName | string Sets a name for the conversion. If a name is set, it will be logged at level "info". The name can be an arbitrary string but should be unique for every conversion or application so that the log output can be matched to a specific conversion or application later. |
conversionTimeout | integer Sets a timeout in seconds for the whole document conversion. If the timeout is exceeded, the conversion will be aborted. A timeout of 0 or negative values mean that the conversion will never time out. This is also the default behavior if no timeout is specified. |
cookies | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
creator | string Sets the value of creator field of the PDF document. |
cssSettings | object (CssSettings) |
customDocumentProperties | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Adds a custom property to the PDF document. An existing property of the same name will be replaced. |
debugSettings | object (DebugSettings) |
disableBookmarks | boolean Disables bookmarks in the PDF document. The default value is |
disableFontEmbedding | boolean Sets whether fonts will not be embedded into the resulting PDF. Setting this to true will reduce the file size of the output document. However, the resulting PDF documents are no longer guaranteed to look identical on all systems. The default value is |
disableLinks | boolean Disables links in the PDF document. The default value is |
disablePdfStructureOptimization | boolean Disables the automatic optimization and compression of the PDF structure. The default value is |
document required | string or string or string The input document. This can either be a URL string, XML or HTML source code string. |
documentDefaultLanguage | string Sets the language used for documents having no explicit language attribute set. The language code is used to resolve the lang() selector correct and to determine the correct language used for hyphenation. |
documentType | string (Doctype) Enum: "AUTODETECT" "HTML5" "XHTML" "XML" |
encoding | string Sets the encoding of the document. If this value is set to The default value is |
encryption | string (Encryption) Enum: "AES_128" "AES_256" "NONE" "RC4_128" "RC4_40" "TYPE_128" "TYPE_40" |
encryptionSettings | object (EncryptionSettings) |
errorPolicies | Array of strings (ErrorPolicy) Items Enum: "CONFORMANCE_VALIDATION_UNAVAILABLE" "IGNORE_INVALID_MERGE_DOCUMENTS_EXCEPTION" "LICENSE" "MISSING_RESOURCE" "UNCAUGHT_JAVASCRIPT_EXCEPTION" "WARN_EVENT" Specifies error policies that will be used for the conversion. Depending on the policy, the conversion will fail if the appropriate criteria are not met. |
fontAliases | Array of objects (Font) Registers an alias font family for an existing font. This function is limited to fonts loaded automatically from system folders. |
fontFallback | Array of strings Sets a list of fallback font families to be tried when none of the fonts listed using the CSS property |
fonts | Array of objects (Font) Loads a font from a URL which can be used via the CSS property |
forceGrayscaleImage | boolean If the output format is an image format, this setting controls whether a grayscale image should be returned. This can not be combined with transparency. |
fullCompression | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
httpsMode | string (HttpsMode) Enum: "LENIENT" "STRICT" |
ignoreAlpha | boolean Sets whether the alpha value of CSS RGBA colors is ignored. This can be used to avoid conformance issues in PDF/A-1. |
inspectableSettings | object (InspectableSettings) |
integrationStyleSheets | Array of objects (Resource) Adds an integration style sheet to the document. There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
javaScriptSettings | object (JavaScriptSettings) |
keepDocument | boolean If set to |
keywords | string Sets the value of the keywords field of the PDF document. |
licenseKey | string Sets the license key either as content or URL. If the license key is set to The default value is |
logLevel | string (LogLevel) Enum: "DEBUG" "ERROR" "FATAL" "INFO" "NONE" "PERFORMANCE" "TRACE" "WARN" |
logMaxLines | integer Sets the maximum amount of log entries that will be retained by the PDFreactor logs. The default value is 100000. A capacity of 0 is equivalent to the default value. A negative value means that the capacity will be unlimited. |
mediaFeatureValues | Array of objects (MediaFeatureValue) Defines the value of a Media Feature which is used to resolve CSS3 media queries. |
mediaTypes | Array of strings Sets the media types that are used to resolve CSS3 media queries. Please note that this overrides the default media types of PDFreactor, which are:
mergeDocuments | Array of objects (Resource) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
mergeMode | string (MergeMode) Enum: "APPEND" "ARRANGE" "OVERLAY" "OVERLAY_BELOW" "PREPEND" |
mergeSettings | object (MergeSettings) |
networkSettings | object (NetworkSettings) |
outputFormat | object (OutputFormat) |
outputIntent | object (OutputIntent) |
overlayRepeat | string (OverlayRepeat) Enum: "ALL_PAGES" "LAST_PAGE" "NONE" "TRIM" |
ownerPassword | string Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
pageOrder | PageOrder (string) or string Sets the page order of the direct result of the conversion. If A description of the syntax can be found in the manual. |
pagesPerSheetProperties | object (PagesPerSheetProperties) |
pdfScriptAction | Array of objects (PdfScriptAction) Sets a pair of trigger event and PDF script. The script is triggered on the specified event. A PDF script is JavaScript that is executed by a PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Reader). Note that most viewers do not support this feature. PDF Scripts can also be set by using the proprietary CSS property Please note, that scripts set via CSS have a higher priority. If two scripts are registered on the same event, but one via API and the other via the CSS property, the script set in the CSS will override the other one. |
pixelsPerInch | integer Sets the pixels per inch. Changing this value changes the physical length of sizes specified in px (including those specified via HTML attributes). The default value is |
pixelsPerInchShrinkToFit | boolean Whether the pixels per inch should be adapted automatically to avoid content exceeding pages. |
postTransformationDocumentType | string (Doctype) Enum: "AUTODETECT" "HTML5" "XHTML" "XML" |
printDialogPrompt | boolean Enables or disables a print dialog to be shown upon opening the generated PDF document by a PDF viewer. The default value is |
processingPreferences | Array of strings (ProcessingPreferences) Items Value: "SAVE_MEMORY_IMAGES" Preferences that influence the conversion process without changing the output. Use the ProcessingPreferences constants to specify the processing preferences. By default no processing preference is set. |
quirksSettings | object (QuirksSettings) |
rawCookies | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
requestHeaders | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
requestPriority | integer Specifies the priority of the conversion request. A higher priority means that the web service will adjust the conversion's position in the queue appropriately, so that it is converted before others with lower priority. By default, asynchronous conversions have a priority of 0, synchronous conversions have a priority of 10. |
resourceConnectTimeout | integer Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
resourceReadTimeout | integer Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
segmentationSettings | object (SegmentationSettings) |
signPDF | object (SignPDF) |
subject | string Sets the value of the subject field of the PDF document. |
title | string Sets the value of the title field of the PDF document. |
urlRewriteSettings | object (UrlRewriteSettings) |
userPassword | string Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
userScripts | Array of objects (Resource) Adds an user script to the document. There are two ways to specify the script:
Supports various ResourceSubtypes. Supported subtypes are: |
userStyleSheets | Array of objects (Resource) Adds a user style sheet to the document. There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
validateConformance | boolean Enables PDFreactor to validate the generated PDF against the Conformance specified via Currently only PDF/A and PDF/UA validation is supported. Please note that validation might take several minutes for larger documents. |
xmp | object (Xmp) |
xsltMode | boolean Enables or disables XSLT transformations. Set this value to The default value is |
xsltStyleSheets | Array of objects (Resource) Adds an XSLT style sheet to the document. There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
Conversion successful
Multiple Reasons: (1) No configuration was supplied to the operation. (2) No input document was specified in the configuration. (3) The page number you specified is either below 0 or exceeds the document's total number of pages. (4) The supplied configuration was not valid for some reason. See the error message for details. (5) The version of the client that was used is outdated and no longer supported. This is only available for the PDFreactor REST clients.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
The supplied configuration was accepted by PDFreactor but could not be converted for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
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- "allowModifyContents": true,
- "allowPrinting": true,
- "allowScreenReaders": true,
- "ownerPassword": "string",
- "type": "AES_128",
- "userPassword": "string"
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- "source": "string"
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- "realm": "string",
- "username": "string"
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- "value": "string"
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}, - "rawCookies": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "requestPriority": 0,
- "resourceConnectTimeout": 0,
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- "segmentSize": 0
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- "keystoreType": "JKS",
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- "signingMode": "SELF_SIGNED"
}, - "subject": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "urlRewriteSettings": {
- "rules": [
- {
- "pattern": "string",
- "substitution": "string"
}, - "userPassword": "string",
- "userScripts": [
- {
- "beforeDocumentScripts": true,
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- "data": "string",
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- "subtype": "JAVASCRIPT_CLASSIC",
- "uri": "string"
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- "subtype": "JAVASCRIPT_CLASSIC",
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], - "validateConformance": true,
- "viewerPreferences": [
], - "xmp": {
- "content": "string",
- "priority": "HIGH",
- "uri": "string"
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- "subtype": "JAVASCRIPT_CLASSIC",
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- "connections": [
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- "contentSize": 0,
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- "error": "string",
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- "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "resourceType": "ATTACHMENT",
- "responseHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "statusCode": 0,
- "statusMessage": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "url": "string"
], - "contentType": "string",
- "conversionName": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "documentArray": [
- "string"
], - "documentId": "string",
- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
], - "endDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z",
- "error": "string",
- "exceedingContents": [
- {
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- "path": [
- 0
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- "summary": "string",
- "top": true
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- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
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- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsCss": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsJavaScript": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "sourceLocationInfo": {
- "columnEnd": 0,
- "columnStart": 0,
- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
- "snippet": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "missingResources": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
], - "numberOfPages": 0,
- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Converts the specified configuration or asset package into PDF or image. This operation responds immediately and does not wait for the conversion to finish. This is especially useful for very large or complex documents where the conversion will take some time.
addAttachments | boolean Enables or disables attachments specified in style sheets. The default value is |
addBookmarks | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use |
addComments | boolean Enables or disables comments in the PDF document. The default value is |
addLinks | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use |
addOverprint | boolean Enables or disables overprinting. The default value is |
addPreviewImages | boolean Enables or disables embedding of image previews per page in the PDF document. The default value is |
addTags | boolean Enables or disables tagging of the PDF document. The default value is |
allowAnnotations | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowAssembly | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowCopy | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowDegradedPrinting | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowFillIn | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowModifyContents | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowPrinting | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
allowScreenReaders | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
appendLog | boolean Specifies whether or not the log data should be added to the PDF document. The default value is |
attachments | Array of objects (Attachment) Adds a file attachment to PDF document. |
authenticationCredentials | object (KeyValuePair) |
author | string Sets the value of the author field of the PDF document. |
baseUrl | string Sets the base URL of the document. To resolve relative URLs to absolute URLs a reference (base) URL is required. This reference URL is usually the system id of the document. This method can be used to specify another reference URL. If this URL is not The default value is |
baseURL | string Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use |
bookletMode | object (BookletMode) |
callbacks | Array of objects (Callback) Adds callbacks to the conversion which will be called at specific times. All callbacks perform a POST request to the specified URL with the specified content type and a certain model which depends on the callback event. For each callback, you can specify a timeout. If no timeout is specified, the server's default timeout for callbacks is used. A value of zero or negative values indicate an infinite timeout, however the PDFreactor server may have a maximum timeout configured, in which case that will be the used value. Some callbacks might be called regularly during the course of a conversion. For these callbacks you can specify an interval to control how frequently they are called. |
cleanupTool | string (Cleanup) Enum: "CYBERNEKO" "JTIDY" "NONE" "TAGSOUP" |
colorSpaceSettings | object (ColorSpaceSettings) |
conformance | string (Conformance) Enum: "PDF" "PDFA1A" "PDFA1A_PDFUA1" "PDFA1B" "PDFA2A" "PDFA2A_PDFUA1" "PDFA2B" "PDFA2U" "PDFA3A" "PDFA3A_PDFUA1" "PDFA3B" "PDFA3U" "PDFUA1" "PDFX1A_2001" "PDFX1A_2003" "PDFX3_2002" "PDFX3_2003" "PDFX4" "PDFX4P" |
contentObserver | object (ContentObserver) |
continuousOutput | object (ContinuousOutput) |
conversionName | string Sets a name for the conversion. If a name is set, it will be logged at level "info". The name can be an arbitrary string but should be unique for every conversion or application so that the log output can be matched to a specific conversion or application later. |
conversionTimeout | integer Sets a timeout in seconds for the whole document conversion. If the timeout is exceeded, the conversion will be aborted. A timeout of 0 or negative values mean that the conversion will never time out. This is also the default behavior if no timeout is specified. |
cookies | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
creator | string Sets the value of creator field of the PDF document. |
cssSettings | object (CssSettings) |
customDocumentProperties | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Adds a custom property to the PDF document. An existing property of the same name will be replaced. |
debugSettings | object (DebugSettings) |
disableBookmarks | boolean Disables bookmarks in the PDF document. The default value is |
disableFontEmbedding | boolean Sets whether fonts will not be embedded into the resulting PDF. Setting this to true will reduce the file size of the output document. However, the resulting PDF documents are no longer guaranteed to look identical on all systems. The default value is |
disableLinks | boolean Disables links in the PDF document. The default value is |
disablePdfStructureOptimization | boolean Disables the automatic optimization and compression of the PDF structure. The default value is |
document required | string or string or string The input document. This can either be a URL string, XML or HTML source code string. |
documentDefaultLanguage | string Sets the language used for documents having no explicit language attribute set. The language code is used to resolve the lang() selector correct and to determine the correct language used for hyphenation. |
documentType | string (Doctype) Enum: "AUTODETECT" "HTML5" "XHTML" "XML" |
encoding | string Sets the encoding of the document. If this value is set to The default value is |
encryption | string (Encryption) Enum: "AES_128" "AES_256" "NONE" "RC4_128" "RC4_40" "TYPE_128" "TYPE_40" |
encryptionSettings | object (EncryptionSettings) |
errorPolicies | Array of strings (ErrorPolicy) Items Enum: "CONFORMANCE_VALIDATION_UNAVAILABLE" "IGNORE_INVALID_MERGE_DOCUMENTS_EXCEPTION" "LICENSE" "MISSING_RESOURCE" "UNCAUGHT_JAVASCRIPT_EXCEPTION" "WARN_EVENT" Specifies error policies that will be used for the conversion. Depending on the policy, the conversion will fail if the appropriate criteria are not met. |
fontAliases | Array of objects (Font) Registers an alias font family for an existing font. This function is limited to fonts loaded automatically from system folders. |
fontFallback | Array of strings Sets a list of fallback font families to be tried when none of the fonts listed using the CSS property |
fonts | Array of objects (Font) Loads a font from a URL which can be used via the CSS property |
forceGrayscaleImage | boolean If the output format is an image format, this setting controls whether a grayscale image should be returned. This can not be combined with transparency. |
fullCompression | boolean Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
httpsMode | string (HttpsMode) Enum: "LENIENT" "STRICT" |
ignoreAlpha | boolean Sets whether the alpha value of CSS RGBA colors is ignored. This can be used to avoid conformance issues in PDF/A-1. |
inspectableSettings | object (InspectableSettings) |
integrationStyleSheets | Array of objects (Resource) Adds an integration style sheet to the document. There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
javaScriptSettings | object (JavaScriptSettings) |
keepDocument | boolean If set to |
keywords | string Sets the value of the keywords field of the PDF document. |
licenseKey | string Sets the license key either as content or URL. If the license key is set to The default value is |
logLevel | string (LogLevel) Enum: "DEBUG" "ERROR" "FATAL" "INFO" "NONE" "PERFORMANCE" "TRACE" "WARN" |
logMaxLines | integer Sets the maximum amount of log entries that will be retained by the PDFreactor logs. The default value is 100000. A capacity of 0 is equivalent to the default value. A negative value means that the capacity will be unlimited. |
mediaFeatureValues | Array of objects (MediaFeatureValue) Defines the value of a Media Feature which is used to resolve CSS3 media queries. |
mediaTypes | Array of strings Sets the media types that are used to resolve CSS3 media queries. Please note that this overrides the default media types of PDFreactor, which are:
mergeDocuments | Array of objects (Resource) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
mergeMode | string (MergeMode) Enum: "APPEND" "ARRANGE" "OVERLAY" "OVERLAY_BELOW" "PREPEND" |
mergeSettings | object (MergeSettings) |
networkSettings | object (NetworkSettings) |
outputFormat | object (OutputFormat) |
outputIntent | object (OutputIntent) |
overlayRepeat | string (OverlayRepeat) Enum: "ALL_PAGES" "LAST_PAGE" "NONE" "TRIM" |
ownerPassword | string Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
pageOrder | PageOrder (string) or string Sets the page order of the direct result of the conversion. If A description of the syntax can be found in the manual. |
pagesPerSheetProperties | object (PagesPerSheetProperties) |
pdfScriptAction | Array of objects (PdfScriptAction) Sets a pair of trigger event and PDF script. The script is triggered on the specified event. A PDF script is JavaScript that is executed by a PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Reader). Note that most viewers do not support this feature. PDF Scripts can also be set by using the proprietary CSS property Please note, that scripts set via CSS have a higher priority. If two scripts are registered on the same event, but one via API and the other via the CSS property, the script set in the CSS will override the other one. |
pixelsPerInch | integer Sets the pixels per inch. Changing this value changes the physical length of sizes specified in px (including those specified via HTML attributes). The default value is |
pixelsPerInchShrinkToFit | boolean Whether the pixels per inch should be adapted automatically to avoid content exceeding pages. |
postTransformationDocumentType | string (Doctype) Enum: "AUTODETECT" "HTML5" "XHTML" "XML" |
printDialogPrompt | boolean Enables or disables a print dialog to be shown upon opening the generated PDF document by a PDF viewer. The default value is |
processingPreferences | Array of strings (ProcessingPreferences) Items Value: "SAVE_MEMORY_IMAGES" Preferences that influence the conversion process without changing the output. Use the ProcessingPreferences constants to specify the processing preferences. By default no processing preference is set. |
quirksSettings | object (QuirksSettings) |
rawCookies | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
requestHeaders | Array of objects (KeyValuePair) Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
requestPriority | integer Specifies the priority of the conversion request. A higher priority means that the web service will adjust the conversion's position in the queue appropriately, so that it is converted before others with lower priority. By default, asynchronous conversions have a priority of 0, synchronous conversions have a priority of 10. |
resourceConnectTimeout | integer Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
resourceReadTimeout | integer Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
segmentationSettings | object (SegmentationSettings) |
signPDF | object (SignPDF) |
subject | string Sets the value of the subject field of the PDF document. |
title | string Sets the value of the title field of the PDF document. |
urlRewriteSettings | object (UrlRewriteSettings) |
userPassword | string Deprecated Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use |
userScripts | Array of objects (Resource) Adds an user script to the document. There are two ways to specify the script:
Supports various ResourceSubtypes. Supported subtypes are: |
userStyleSheets | Array of objects (Resource) Adds a user style sheet to the document. There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
validateConformance | boolean Enables PDFreactor to validate the generated PDF against the Conformance specified via Currently only PDF/A and PDF/UA validation is supported. Please note that validation might take several minutes for larger documents. |
xmp | object (Xmp) |
xsltMode | boolean Enables or disables XSLT transformations. Set this value to The default value is |
xsltStyleSheets | Array of objects (Resource) Adds an XSLT style sheet to the document. There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
Conversion successfully started
Multiple Reasons: (1) No configuration was supplied to the operation. (2) No input document was specified in the configuration. (3) The page number you specified is either below 0 or exceeds the document's total number of pages. (4) The supplied configuration was not valid for some reason. See the error message for details. (5) The version of the client that was used is outdated and no longer supported. This is only available for the PDFreactor REST clients.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
The supplied configuration was accepted by PDFreactor but could not be converted for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
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Retrieves progress information about the asynchronous conversion with the given ID.
id required | string The ID of the document. |
The current estimated progress, including log output.
The conversion is finished and the result can be accessed via the URL indicated in the 'Location' header.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "contentType": "string",
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- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
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- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
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- "snippet": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "progress": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Retrieves the asynchronously converted document with the given ID.
id required | string The ID of the document. |
delete | boolean Whether to delete the document after it was retrieved, regardless of the "keepDocument" configuration property. |
The document was found and the conversion has finished.
Multiple Reasons: (1) No configuration was supplied to the operation. (2) No input document was specified in the configuration. (3) The page number you specified is either below 0 or exceeds the document's total number of pages. (4) The supplied configuration was not valid for some reason. See the error message for details. (5) The version of the client that was used is outdated and no longer supported. This is only available for the PDFreactor REST clients.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
The supplied configuration was accepted by PDFreactor but could not be converted for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
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- "url": "string"
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- "string"
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- "string"
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- 0
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- "summary": "string",
- "top": true
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- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
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- "timestamp": 0
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- "level": 0,
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- "message": "string",
- "sourceLocationInfo": {
- "columnEnd": 0,
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- "context": "string",
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- "lineStart": 0,
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- "source": "string"
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- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
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- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Deletes the asynchronously converted document with the given ID. If the conversion is still running, it gets terminated.
id required | string The ID of the document. |
A message indicating that the document has been successfully deleted.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "connections": [
- {
- "cacheStatus": "string",
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- "protocol": "string",
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- "value": "string"
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- "url": "string"
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- "documentArray": [
- "string"
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- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
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- "error": "string",
- "exceedingContents": [
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- "exceedingBoxBottom": 0,
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- 0
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- "top": true
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- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
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- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
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- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
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- "columnStart": 0,
- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
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- "message": "string",
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- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
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- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Retrieves the metadata of the asynchronously converted document with the given ID.
id required | string The ID of the document. |
The document's metadata only, meaning the properties 'document' and 'documentArray' will me missing.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "connections": [
- {
- "cacheStatus": "string",
- "cached": true,
- "connected": true,
- "contentSize": 0,
- "duration": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
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- "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "resourceType": "ATTACHMENT",
- "responseHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "statusCode": 0,
- "statusMessage": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "url": "string"
], - "contentType": "string",
- "conversionName": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "documentArray": [
- "string"
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- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
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- "error": "string",
- "exceedingContents": [
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- 0
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- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
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- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsJavaScript": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
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- "columnEnd": 0,
- "columnStart": 0,
- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
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- {
- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
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- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Retrieves the specified page of the asynchronously converted multi-page image with the specified ID. This operation only functions when converting into image types, not PDF. Additionally, the configuration option "multiPage" has to be set to "true", otherwise there are no multiple pages.
id required | string The ID of the document. |
page required | integer >= 1 The page number. |
delete | boolean Whether to delete the document after it was retrieved, regardless of the "keepDocument" configuration property. |
A page of the converted document.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "connections": [
- {
- "cacheStatus": "string",
- "cached": true,
- "connected": true,
- "contentSize": 0,
- "duration": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "requestContentSize": 0,
- "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "resourceType": "ATTACHMENT",
- "responseHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
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- "statusMessage": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "url": "string"
], - "contentType": "string",
- "conversionName": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "documentArray": [
- "string"
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- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
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- "error": "string",
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- "box": true,
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- 0
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- "top": true
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- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsCss": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsJavaScript": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
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- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
- "snippet": "string",
- "source": "string"
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- {
- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
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- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Displays the asynchronously converted document in the browser. When downloading the document, browsers will save it under the specified filename.
filename required | string The desired file name including the file extension. |
id required | string The ID of the document. |
delete | boolean Whether to delete the document after it was retrieved, regardless of the "keepDocument" configuration property. |
The converted document.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "connections": [
- {
- "cacheStatus": "string",
- "cached": true,
- "connected": true,
- "contentSize": 0,
- "duration": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "requestContentSize": 0,
- "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "resourceType": "ATTACHMENT",
- "responseHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "statusCode": 0,
- "statusMessage": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "url": "string"
], - "contentType": "string",
- "conversionName": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "documentArray": [
- "string"
], - "documentId": "string",
- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
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- "error": "string",
- "exceedingContents": [
- {
- "bottom": true,
- "box": true,
- "containerBottom": 0,
- "containerLeft": 0,
- "containerRight": 0,
- "containerTop": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "exceedingBoxBottom": 0,
- "exceedingBoxLeft": 0,
- "exceedingBoxRight": 0,
- "exceedingBoxTop": 0,
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- "pageNumber": 0,
- "pageRight": 0,
- "pageTop": 0,
- "path": [
- 0
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- "summary": "string",
- "top": true
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- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsCss": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsJavaScript": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "sourceLocationInfo": {
- "columnEnd": 0,
- "columnStart": 0,
- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
- "snippet": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "missingResources": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
], - "numberOfPages": 0,
- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Displays the specified page of the asynchronously converted multi-page image in the browser. When downloading the document, browsers will save it under the specified filename.
filename required | string The desired file name including the file extension. |
id required | string The ID of the document. |
page required | integer >= 1 The page number. |
delete | boolean Whether to delete the document after it was retrieved, regardless of the "keepDocument" configuration property. |
The converted document.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "connections": [
- {
- "cacheStatus": "string",
- "cached": true,
- "connected": true,
- "contentSize": 0,
- "duration": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "requestContentSize": 0,
- "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "resourceType": "ATTACHMENT",
- "responseHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "statusCode": 0,
- "statusMessage": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "url": "string"
], - "contentType": "string",
- "conversionName": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "documentArray": [
- "string"
], - "documentId": "string",
- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
], - "endDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z",
- "error": "string",
- "exceedingContents": [
- {
- "bottom": true,
- "box": true,
- "containerBottom": 0,
- "containerLeft": 0,
- "containerRight": 0,
- "containerTop": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "exceedingBoxBottom": 0,
- "exceedingBoxLeft": 0,
- "exceedingBoxRight": 0,
- "exceedingBoxTop": 0,
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- "pageBottom": 0,
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- "path": [
- 0
], - "right": true,
- "summary": "string",
- "top": true
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- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsCss": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsJavaScript": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "sourceLocationInfo": {
- "columnEnd": 0,
- "columnStart": 0,
- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
- "snippet": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
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- {
- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
], - "numberOfPages": 0,
- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Downloads the asynchronously converted document in the browser. The download is triggered by an appropriate "Content-Disposition" header. When downloading the document, browsers will save it under the specified filename.
filename required | string The desired file name including the file extension. |
id required | string The ID of the document. |
delete | boolean Whether to delete the document after it was retrieved, regardless of the "keepDocument" configuration property. |
The converted document.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "connections": [
- {
- "cacheStatus": "string",
- "cached": true,
- "connected": true,
- "contentSize": 0,
- "duration": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "requestContentSize": 0,
- "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "resourceType": "ATTACHMENT",
- "responseHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "statusCode": 0,
- "statusMessage": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "url": "string"
], - "contentType": "string",
- "conversionName": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "documentArray": [
- "string"
], - "documentId": "string",
- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
], - "endDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z",
- "error": "string",
- "exceedingContents": [
- {
- "bottom": true,
- "box": true,
- "containerBottom": 0,
- "containerLeft": 0,
- "containerRight": 0,
- "containerTop": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "exceedingBoxBottom": 0,
- "exceedingBoxLeft": 0,
- "exceedingBoxRight": 0,
- "exceedingBoxTop": 0,
- "html": "string",
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- "pageLeft": 0,
- "pageNumber": 0,
- "pageRight": 0,
- "pageTop": 0,
- "path": [
- 0
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- "summary": "string",
- "top": true
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- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsCss": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsJavaScript": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "sourceLocationInfo": {
- "columnEnd": 0,
- "columnStart": 0,
- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
- "snippet": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "missingResources": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
], - "numberOfPages": 0,
- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Downloads the specified page of the asynchronously converted multi-page image in the browser. The download is triggered by an appropriate "Content-Disposition" header. When downloading the document, browsers will save it under the specified filename.
filename required | string The desired file name including the file extension. |
id required | string The ID of the document. |
page required | integer >= 1 The page number. |
delete | boolean Whether to delete the document after it was retrieved, regardless of the "keepDocument" configuration property. |
The converted document.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "connections": [
- {
- "cacheStatus": "string",
- "cached": true,
- "connected": true,
- "contentSize": 0,
- "duration": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "method": "string",
- "protocol": "string",
- "requestContentSize": 0,
- "requestHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
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], - "resourceType": "ATTACHMENT",
- "responseHeaders": [
- {
- "key": "string",
- "value": "string"
], - "statusCode": 0,
- "statusMessage": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "url": "string"
], - "contentType": "string",
- "conversionName": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "documentArray": [
- "string"
], - "documentId": "string",
- "documentUrl": "string",
- "documentUrls": [
- "string"
], - "endDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z",
- "error": "string",
- "exceedingContents": [
- {
- "bottom": true,
- "box": true,
- "containerBottom": 0,
- "containerLeft": 0,
- "containerRight": 0,
- "containerTop": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "exceedingBoxBottom": 0,
- "exceedingBoxLeft": 0,
- "exceedingBoxRight": 0,
- "exceedingBoxTop": 0,
- "html": "string",
- "left": true,
- "pageBottom": 0,
- "pageLeft": 0,
- "pageNumber": 0,
- "pageRight": 0,
- "pageTop": 0,
- "path": [
- 0
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- "summary": "string",
- "top": true
], - "javaScriptExports": "string",
- "keepDocument": true,
- "log": {
- "records": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsCss": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "timestamp": 0
], - "recordsJavaScript": [
- {
- "level": 0,
- "levelName": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "sourceLocationInfo": {
- "columnEnd": 0,
- "columnStart": 0,
- "context": "string",
- "lineEnd": 0,
- "lineStart": 0,
- "snippet": "string",
- "source": "string"
}, - "timestamp": 0
}, - "missingResources": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "resource": "string",
- "type": "ATTACHMENT"
], - "numberOfPages": 0,
- "numberOfPagesLiteral": 0,
- "startDate": "2025-03-05T15:27:53Z"
Retrieves the asynchonously converted documents as a ZIP.
delete | boolean Whether to delete the document after it was retrieved, regardless of the "keepDocument" configuration property. |
documents | Array of objects (Document) An array of documents requests. |
The converted documents as ZIP
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) A web service resource was not found. (2) Conversion does not exist.
The supplied input data was accepted by PDFreactur but could not be processed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) The configuration could not be processed and should be re-checked. (2) The supplied configuration is valid, however the conversion could not be completed for some reason. See the error message for details.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "documents": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string"
Returns the version of the PDFreactor Web Service that is currently running.
The version.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
Multiple Reasons: (1) Asynchronous conversions are not available in this PDFreactor Web Service. (2) The PDFreactor Web Service is running and reachable, but not in a state to perform the requested operation.
{- "build": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "major": 0,
- "micro": 0,
- "minor": 0,
- "revision": "string",
- "text": "string"
Checks if the PDFreactor Web Service is available and functional.
The service is available and functional.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
The service is not functional.
Retrieves the JSON schema for all data models consumed or produced by the PDFreactor Web Service.
The JSON schema for all data models consumed or produced by the PDFreactor Web Service.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
The schema resource was not found.
Retrieves the JSON schema for a specific data model consumed or produced by the PDFreactor Web Service.
model required | string The model. |
The JSON schema a specific data model consumed or produced by the PDFreactor Web Service.
The schema could not be created for the given model.
The client failed an authorization check, e.g. because a supplied API key was invalid.
The schema resource was not found.