PDFreactor API
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X 


addAttachment(byte[], String, String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a file attachment to PDF document.
addCustomDocumentProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a custom property to the PDF document.
addCustomUrlStreamHandler(String, URLStreamHandler) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a URLStreamHandler for the specified protocol which will be used for all connections to retrieve the input document and resources.
addFont(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Loads a font from a URL which can be used via the CSS property font-family.
addFontAlias(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Registers an alias font family for an existing font.
addFontDirectory(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Registers an additional font directory to load fonts from.
addIntegrationStyleSheet(InputSource) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a integration style sheet to the document.
addIntegrationStyleSheet(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds an integration style sheet to the document.
addProgressEventListener(ProgressEventListener) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
addUserScript(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds an user script to the document.
addUserStyleSheet(InputSource) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a user style sheet to the document.
addUserStyleSheet(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
addUserStyleSheet(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a user style sheet to the document.
addXSLTStyleSheet(String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds an XSLT style sheet to the document.
AFTER_PRINT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
This event is triggered after the PDF has been printed by the viewer application.
AFTER_SAVE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
This event is triggered after the PDF has been saved by the viewer application.
ALL - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssPropertySupport
Indicates that all style declarations are considered valid disregarding the possibility of improper rendering; valid values may be overwritten by invalid style declarations.
ALL_PAGES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OverlayRepeat
All pages of the shorter document are repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document
APPEND - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MergeMode
Default merge mode: Append converted document to existing PDF
ARRANGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MergeMode
Advanced merge mode: Allows to insert specific pages from existing PDFs into the converted document.
ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page content.
AUTODETECT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Doctype
Indicates that the document type will be detected automatically.


BEFORE_PRINT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
This event is triggered before the PDF is printed by the viewer application.
BEFORE_SAVE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
This event is triggered before the PDF is saved by the viewer application.
BMP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
BMP output format
BOOKLET - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
Page order mode to arrange all pages in booklet order
BOOKLET_RTL - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
Page order mode to arrange all pages in right-to-left booklet order


CENTER_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Position the document's window in the center of the screen.
cleanup() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.util.CleanupUtil
Cleans static resources used by PDFreactor and its libraries.
CLEANUP_CYBERNEKO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the CyberNeko HTML parser will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
CLEANUP_JTIDY - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that JTidy will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
CLEANUP_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that no cleanup will be performed when loading a document.
CLEANUP_TAGSOUP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that tagsoup will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
CleanupUtil - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.util
This class provides a single static method to cleanup static resources.
CLOSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
This event is triggered when the PDF is closed by the viewer application.
CMYK - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ColorSpace
The color space CMYK
COLOR - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per color component.
COLOR_INDEX - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of entries in the color lookup table.
COLOR_SPACE_CMYK - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
The color space CMYK
COLOR_SPACE_RGB - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
The color space RGB
com.realobjects.pdfreactor - package com.realobjects.pdfreactor
Main access to the API of PDFreactor.
com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver - package com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver
The Content Observer result and related objects, inlcuding Exceeding Content, Missing Resources, Connections.
com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events - package com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events
Custom events thrown by PDFreactor.
com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy - package com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy
Main access to the legacy API of PDFreactor, use of com.realobjects.pdfreactor.PDFreactor is preferred.
com.realobjects.pdfreactor.util - package com.realobjects.pdfreactor.util
Provides utilities for PDFreactor.
compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Version
Configuration - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
This class contains all options related to the PDF or image conversion.
Configuration() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Configuration.Attachment - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing attachment data.
Configuration.Attachment() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Attachment
Configuration.Attachment(byte[], String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Attachment
Configuration.BookletMode - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing booklet mode data.
Configuration.BookletMode() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.BookletMode
Configuration.BookletMode(String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.BookletMode
Configuration.Cleanup - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing cleanup constants.
Configuration.ColorSpace - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing color space constants.
Configuration.Conformance - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing conformance constants.
Configuration.ContentObserver - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing specifications on which content should be observed.
Configuration.ContentObserver() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContentObserver
Configuration.ContinuousOutput - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
A object containing continuous output data.
Configuration.ContinuousOutput() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContinuousOutput
Configuration.ContinuousOutput(int, int) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContinuousOutput
Configuration.CssPropertySupport - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum comtaining CSS property support mode constants.
Configuration.CssSettings - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing settings of how CSS properties are supported.
Configuration.CssSettings() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssSettings
Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing a custom URLStreamHandler for a certain protocol.
Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler
Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler(String, URLStreamHandler) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler
Configuration.Doctype - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing document type constants.
Configuration.Encryption - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing encryption constants.
Configuration.ErrorPolicy - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing error policies.
Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing constants for logging exceeding content against.
Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing constants for analyzing exceeding content.
Configuration.Font - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing font data.
Configuration.Font() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Font
Configuration.Font(String, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Font
Configuration.HttpsMode - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing HTTPS mode constants.
Configuration.JavaScriptMode - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing JavaScript mode constants.
Configuration.KeystoreType - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing keystore type constants.
Configuration.KeyValuePair - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing a key-value-pair.
Configuration.KeyValuePair() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeyValuePair
Configuration.KeyValuePair(String, String) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeyValuePair
Configuration.LogExceedingContent - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing data for logging exceeding content.
Configuration.LogExceedingContent() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogExceedingContent
Configuration.LogExceedingContent(Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze, Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogExceedingContent
Configuration.LogLevel - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing log level constants.
Configuration.MediaFeature - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing media feature constants.
Configuration.MediaFeatureValue - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing media feature data.
Configuration.MediaFeatureValue() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeatureValue
Configuration.MediaFeatureValue(Configuration.MediaFeature, String) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeatureValue
Configuration.MergeMode - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing merge mode constants.
Configuration.OutputFormat - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing output data.
Configuration.OutputFormat() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputFormat
Configuration.OutputFormat(Configuration.OutputType, int, int, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputFormat
Configuration.OutputIntent - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing data for an output intents.
Configuration.OutputIntent() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntent
Configuration.OutputIntent(String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntent
Configuration.OutputIntent(Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntent
Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing default profiles for output intents.
Configuration.OutputType - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing output format constants.
Configuration.OverlayRepeat - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing data for repeating overlays.
Configuration.PageOrder - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing pre-defined page orders.
Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing constants for pages per sheet directions.
Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing data for pages per sheet properties.
Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties(int, int, String, String, String, Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
Configuration.PdfScriptAction - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing PDF script data.
Configuration.PdfScriptAction() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptAction
Configuration.PdfScriptAction(Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent, String) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptAction
Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing trigger events for PDF scripts.
Configuration.ProcessingPreferences - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing constants for processing preferences.
Configuration.Resource - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing data for external resources such as style sheets.
Configuration.Resource() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Resource
Configuration.Resource(String, String) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Resource
Configuration.ScriptResource - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
Configuration.ScriptResource() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ScriptResource
Configuration.ScriptResource(String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ScriptResource
Configuration.SigningMode - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing signing mode constants.
Configuration.SignPDF - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing data for signing the PDF.
Configuration.SignPDF() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
Configuration.SignPDF(String, String, String, Configuration.KeystoreType, Configuration.SigningMode) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
Configuration.ViewerPreferences - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing constants for viewer preferences.
Configuration.Xmp - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An object containing XMP data.
Configuration.Xmp() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Xmp
Configuration.Xmp(String, String, Configuration.XmpPriority) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Xmp
Configuration.XmpPriority - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
An enum containing the priority for XMP.
CONFORMANCE_PDF - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF with no additional restrictions (default)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
As of PDFreactor 7.0, replaced by PDFreactor.CONFORMANCE_PDFA1A
CONFORMANCE_PDFA1A - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level A)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA1A_PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-1a + PDF/UA-1 ....
CONFORMANCE_PDFA1B - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level B)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA2A - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-2a (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level A)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA2A_PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-2a + PDF/UA-1 ....
CONFORMANCE_PDFA2B - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-2b (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level B)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA2U - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-2u (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level U)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA3A - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-3a (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level A)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA3A_PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-3a + PDF/UA-1 ....
CONFORMANCE_PDFA3B - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-3b (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level B)
CONFORMANCE_PDFA3U - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/A-3u (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level U)
CONFORMANCE_PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/UA-1 (ISO ...)
CONFORMANCE_PDFX1A_2001 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1:2001)
CONFORMANCE_PDFX1A_2003 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/X-1a:2003 (ISO 15930-4:2003)
CONFORMANCE_PDFX3_2002 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/X-3:2002 (ISO 15930-3:2002)
CONFORMANCE_PDFX3_2003 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/X-3:2003 (ISO 15930-6:2003)
CONFORMANCE_PDFX4 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/X-4 (ISO 15930-7:2008)
CONFORMANCE_PDFX4P - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF/X-4p (ISO 15930-7:2008)
Connection - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver
Object that describes a URL connection attempt of PDFreactor.
CONTENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze
Log exceeding content
CONTENT_AND_BOXES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze
Log exceeding content and all boxes
CONTENT_AND_STATIC_BOXES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze
Log exceeding content and boxes without absolute positioning
convert(Configuration) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.PDFreactor
Converts the specified Configuration into PDF or image.
convert(Configuration, OutputStream) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.PDFreactor
Converts the specified Configuration into PDF or image and writes it directly in the supplied OutputStream.
convertAsBinary(Configuration) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.PDFreactor
Converts the specified Configuration into PDF or image.
CYBERNEKO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Cleanup
Indicates that the CyberNeko HTML parser will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.


DEBUG - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
Indicates that debug, info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
DEVICE_ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page.
DEVICE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the height of the page.
DEVICE_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the width of the page.
DIRECTION_L2R - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Position pages in ascending order from left to right.
DIRECTION_R2L - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Position pages in ascending order from right to left.
DISABLED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.JavaScriptMode
Indicates that JavaScript is disabled.
DISPLAY_DOC_TITLE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Display the document's title in the top bar.
DOCTYPE_AUTODETECT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the document type will be detected automatically.
DOCTYPE_HTML5 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the document type will be set to HTML5.
DOCTYPE_XHTML - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the document type will be set to XHTML.
DOCTYPE_XML - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the document type will be set to generic XML.
DOWN_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and right to left.
DOWN_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and left to right.
DUPLEX_FLIP_LONG_EDGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Print dialog default setting: duplex (long edge)
DUPLEX_FLIP_SHORT_EDGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Print dialog default setting: duplex (short edge)
DUPLEX_SIMPLEX - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Print dialog default setting: simplex


ENABLED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.JavaScriptMode
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled.
ENABLED_NO_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.JavaScriptMode
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, without access to layout data.
ENABLED_REAL_TIME - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.JavaScriptMode
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, without converter-specific optimizations to timeouts and intervals.
ENABLED_TIME_LAPSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.JavaScriptMode
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, with time stamps increasing more quickly.
enableDebugMode() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables debug mode, which adds additional information to the output.
ENCRYPTION_128 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 128 bit encryption.
ENCRYPTION_40 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 40 bit encryption.
ENCRYPTION_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that the document will not be encrypted.
ERROR_POLICY_LICENSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Whether an exception should be thrown when no legal full license key is set.
ERROR_POLICY_MISSING_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Whether an exception should be thrown when resources could not be loaded.
EVEN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
Page order mode to keep even pages only
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_AGAINST_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Do not log exceeding content
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_AGAINST_PAGE_BORDERS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Log content exceeding the edges of its page
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_AGAINST_PAGE_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Log content exceeding its page content area (overlaps the page margin)
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_AGAINST_PARENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Log content exceeding its container
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_ANALYZE_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Log exceeding content
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_ANALYZE_CONTENT_AND_BOXES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Log exceeding content and all boxes
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_ANALYZE_CONTENT_AND_STATIC_BOXES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Log exceeding content and boxes without absolute positioning
EXCEEDING_CONTENT_ANALYZE_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Do not log exceeding content
ExceedingContent - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver
Object that describes one instance of content exceeding its page or parent.


FATAL - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
Indicates that only fatal log events will be logged.
FIT_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
FOGRA39 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"Coated FOGRA39" output intent default profile
FONT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
A font.


getBuild() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Version
The build number.
getByteStream() - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Get the byte stream for this input source.
getCharacterStream() - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Get the character stream for this input source.
getConnections() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
getConnections() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
getConnections() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Provides a log about all URL connections attempted by PDFreactor, including information about HTTP request and result, should the connection be an HTTP or HTTPS connection.
getContainerBottom() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the bottom coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
getContainerLeft() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the left coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
getContainerRight() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the right coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
getContainerTop() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the top coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels.
getConversionName() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Returns the name of the conversion if it was specified via Configuration.setConversionName(String).
getDescription() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns a description of the content.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events.ProgressEvent
The description of the current progress step.
getDocument() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Returns the converted PDF or image.
getDocumentArray() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Returns the converted multi-page image, only if Configuration.OutputFormat.setMultiImage(Boolean) was set to true and Configuration.setOutputFormat(com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputFormat) was set to an image format, otherwise it returns null.
getDuration() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The duration in milliseconds how long this connection remained open.
getEncoding() - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Get the character encoding for a byte stream or URI.
getError() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The error message if the connection could not be established.
getError() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Returns the error messages generated during rendering.
getError() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Returns the error messages generated during rendering.
getExceedingBoxBottom() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the bottom coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
getExceedingBoxLeft() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the left coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
getExceedingBoxRight() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the right coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
getExceedingBoxTop() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the top coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
getExceedingContents() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Provides information about content exceeding its page or parent.
getExceedingContents() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Provides information about content exceeding its page or parent.
getExceedingContents() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Provides information about content exceeding its page or parent.
getHtml() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the HTML of the box that contains the exceeding content.
getJavaScriptExports() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
getJavaScriptExports() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
getJavaScriptExports() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Returns data that has been exported from document JavaScript via ro.exports if set, null otherwise.
getLabel() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Version
The label of the version.
getLevel() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Record
Returns the level of the record.
getLog() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Returns the log messages generated during rendering based on the log level.
getLog() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Returns the log messages generated during rendering based on the log level.
getLog() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Returns the Log of the conversion.
getLogger() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Returns the Logger used by this PDFreactor.
getLogger() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Returns the Logger used by this PDFreactor.
getMajor() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Version
The major version.
getMedia() - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Returns the media associated to the input source or null if media are currently unknown.
getMessage() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.MissingResource
The message indicating why the resource could not be found.
getMessage() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Record
Returns the recorded message.
getMethod() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The request method used by the underlying HTTP request (e.g.
getMicro() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Version
The micro version.
getMinor() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Version
The minor version.
getMissingResources() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Provides information about content exceeding its page or parent.
getMissingResources() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Provides information about content exceeding its page or parent.
getMissingResources() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Provides information about resources that could not be loaded during the conversion.
getNumberOfPages(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Returns the number of pages of the document after conversion.
getNumberOfPages(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Returns the number of pages of the document after conversion.
getNumberOfPages() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Returns the number of pages of the laid out input document after conversion.
getNumberOfPagesLiteral() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Result
Returns the number of pages of the resulting PDF.
getPageBottom() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the bottom coordinate of the the page in pixels.
getPageLeft() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the left coordinate of the the page in pixels.
getPageNumber() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the number of the page that contains the exceeding content.
getPageRight() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the right coordinate of the the page in pixels.
getPageTop() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns the top coordinate of the the page in pixels.
getPath() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns an array of integers denoting the indexes of the ancestors of the DOM node corresponding to the box containing the exceeding content, starting from below the root node down to the element itself.
getProgressEndValue() - Method in interface com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events.ProgressEvent
Returns the endValue the progress value will finally reach upon completion.
getProgressValue() - Method in interface com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events.ProgressEvent
Returns the current progress value.
getProtocol() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The protocol of the URL connection.
getRecords() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Log
Returns all records of the log.
getRequestHeaders() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The request headers.
getResource() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.MissingResource
The resource identifier.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The response headers.
getRevision() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Version
The revision.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The response code for HTTP connections or 0 for all other connections.
getStatusMessage() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The response message for the response code or null if the response code is 0 or the message could not be determined.
getSummary() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns a summary of this exceeding content object.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The time stamp of this connection.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Record
Returns the time stamp of the record.
getTitle() - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Returns the title for this input source.
getType() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.MissingResource
The type of resource (style sheet, image, etc.).
getURI() - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Get the URI for this input source.
getUrl() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
The URL.
getValue() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
getValue() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
GIF - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
GIF output format
GRACOL - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"Coated GRACoL 2006" output intent default profile
GRID - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature defining whether the output is grid-based.


HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature height of page content.
HIDE_MENUBAR - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Hide the viewer application's menu bar when the document is active.
HIDE_TOOLBAR - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Hide the viewer application's tool bars when the document is active.
HIDE_WINDOW_UI - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Hide user interface elements in the document's window.
HIGH - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.XmpPriority
Embed XMP ignoring requirments of the output format.
HTML - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssPropertySupport
Indicates that all values set in style declarations will be validated as long as PDFreactor supports the corresponding property.
HTML5 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Doctype
Indicates that the document type will be set to HTML5.
HTML_THIRD_PARTY - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssPropertySupport
Indicates that all values set in style declarations will be validated as long as PDFreactor supports the corresponding property.
HTML_THIRD_PARTY_LENIENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssPropertySupport
Indicates that all values set in style declarations will be taken as valid if a third party product supports the corresponding property.
HTTPS_MODE_LENIENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates lenient HTTPS behavior.
HTTPS_MODE_STRICT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates strict HTTPS behavior.


IFRA - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"ISO News print 26% (IFRA)" output intent default profile
IFRAME - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
An iframe.
IMAGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
An image.
INFO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
Indicates that info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
InputSource - Class in org.w3c.css.sac
A single input source for a CSS source.
InputSource() - Constructor for class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Zero-argument default constructor.
InputSource(String) - Constructor for class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Create a new input source with a URI.
InputSource(Reader) - Constructor for class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Create a new input source with a character stream.
isBottom() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the bottom.
isBox() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns whether the exceeding content is a box instead of text or image content.
isConnected() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.Connection
Whether a URL connection could be established by PDFreactor.
isLeft() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the left.
isRight() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the right.
isTop() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the top.


JAPAN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"Japan Color 2001 Coated" output intent default profile
JAPAN_NEWSPAPER - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"Japan Color 2001 Newspaper" output intent default profile
JAPAN_UNCOATED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"Japan Color 2001 Uncoated" output intent default profile
JAPAN_WEB - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"Japan Web Coated (Ad)" output intent default profile
JAVASCRIPT_MODE_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that JavaScript is disabled.
JAVASCRIPT_MODE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled.
JAVASCRIPT_MODE_ENABLED_NO_LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, without access to layout data.
JAVASCRIPT_MODE_ENABLED_REAL_TIME - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, without converter-specific optimizations to timeouts and intervals.
JAVASCRIPT_MODE_ENABLED_TIME_LAPSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, with time stamps increasing more quickly.
JKS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeystoreType
Keystore type "jks"
JPEG - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
JPEG output format
JTIDY - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Cleanup
Indicates that JTidy will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.


KEYSTORE_TYPE_JKS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Keystore type "jks"
KEYSTORE_TYPE_PKCS12 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Keystore type "pkcs12"


LAST_PAGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OverlayRepeat
Last page of the shorter document is repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document
LEFT_DOWN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and top to bottom.
LEFT_UP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and bottom to top.
LENIENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.HttpsMode
Indicates lenient HTTPS behavior.
LICENSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ErrorPolicy
Whether an exception should be thrown when no legal full license key is set.
Log - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
The log of a PDF or image conversion.
LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that debug, info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
LOG_LEVEL_FATAL - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that only fatal log events will be logged.
LOG_LEVEL_INFO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
LOG_LEVEL_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that no log events will be logged.
LOG_LEVEL_PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that all log events will be logged.
LOG_LEVEL_WARN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Indicates that warn and fatal log events will be logged.
LOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.XmpPriority
Embed XMP if the output format does not have XMP requirments.


MEDIA_FEATURE_ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page content.
MEDIA_FEATURE_COLOR - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per color component.
MEDIA_FEATURE_COLOR_INDEX - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of entries in the color lookup table.
MEDIA_FEATURE_DEVICE_ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page.
MEDIA_FEATURE_DEVICE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the height of the page.
MEDIA_FEATURE_DEVICE_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the width of the page.
MEDIA_FEATURE_GRID - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature defining whether the output is grid-based.
MEDIA_FEATURE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature height of page content.
MEDIA_FEATURE_MONOCHROME - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer.
MEDIA_FEATURE_ORIENTATION - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the page orientation.
MEDIA_FEATURE_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the resolution of the output device.
MEDIA_FEATURE_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
CSS 3 Media Feature width of page content.
MERGE_MODE_APPEND - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Default merge mode: Append converted document to existing PDF
MERGE_MODE_ARRANGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Advanced merge mode: Allows to insert specific pages from existing PDFs into the converted document.
MERGE_MODE_OVERLAY - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document above the existing PDF
MERGE_MODE_OVERLAY_BELOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document below the existing PDF
MERGE_MODE_PREPEND - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Alternate merge mode: Prepend converted document to existing PDF
MISSING_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ErrorPolicy
Whether an exception should be thrown when resources could not be loaded.
MissingResource - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver
Object that describes a missing resource.
MONOCHROME - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer.


NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show no panel on exiting full-screen mode.
NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_OC - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show optional content group panel on exiting full-screen mode.
NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_OUTLINES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show bookmarks panel on exiting full-screen mode.
NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_THUMBS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show thumbnail images panel on exiting full-screen mode.
NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Cleanup
Indicates that no cleanup will be performed when loading a document.
NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Encryption
Indicates that the document will not be encrypted.
NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst
Do not log exceeding content
NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze
Do not log exceeding content
NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
Indicates that no log events will be logged.
NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OverlayRepeat
No pages of the shorter document are repeated, leaving some pages of the longer document without overlay
NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.XmpPriority
Do not embed XMP.


OBJECT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
An embedded object.
ODD - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
Page order mode to keep odd pages only
OPEN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
This event is triggered when the PDF is opened in the viewer application.
ORIENTATION - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the page orientation.
OUTPUT_FORMAT_BMP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
BMP output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_GIF - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
GIF output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_JPEG - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
JPEG output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PDF output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_PNG - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PNG output format (using Java Image I/O)
OUTPUT_FORMAT_PNG_AI - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PNG output format (using Apache Imaging)
OUTPUT_FORMAT_PNG_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Transparent PNG output format (using Java Image I/O)
OUTPUT_FORMAT_PNG_TRANSPARENT_AI - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Transparent PNG output format (using Apache Imaging)
OUTPUT_FORMAT_TIFF_CCITT_1D - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Monochrome CCITT 1D compressed TIFF output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_TIFF_CCITT_GROUP_3 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Monochrome CCITT Group 3 compressed TIFF output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_TIFF_CCITT_GROUP_4 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Monochrome CCITT Group 4 compressed TIFF output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_TIFF_LZW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
LZW compressed TIFF output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_TIFF_PACKBITS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
PackBits compressed TIFF output format
OUTPUT_FORMAT_TIFF_UNCOMPRESSED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Uncompressed TIFF output format
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_FOGRA39 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"Coated FOGRA39" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_GRACOL - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"Coated GRACoL 2006" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_IFRA - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"ISO News print 26% (IFRA)" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_JAPAN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"Japan Color 2001 Coated" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_JAPAN_NEWSPAPER - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"Japan Color 2001 Newspaper" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_JAPAN_UNCOATED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"Japan Color 2001 Uncoated" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_JAPAN_WEB - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"Japan Web Coated (Ad)" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_SWOP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"US Web Coated (SWOP) v2" output intent default profile
OUTPUT_INTENT_DEFAULT_PROFILE_SWOP_3 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
"Web Coated SWOP 2006 Grade 3 Paper" output intent default profile
OVERLAY - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MergeMode
Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document above the existing PDF
OVERLAY_BELOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MergeMode
Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document below the existing PDF
OVERLAY_REPEAT_ALL_PAGES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
All pages of the shorter document are repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document
OVERLAY_REPEAT_LAST_PAGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Last page of the shorter document is repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document
OVERLAY_REPEAT_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
No pages of the shorter document are repeated, leaving some pages of the longer document without overlay
OVERLAY_REPEAT_TRIM - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
The resulting PDF is trimmed to the number of pages of the shorter document


PAGE_BORDERS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst
Log content exceeding the edges of its page
PAGE_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst
Log content exceeding its page content area (overlaps the page margin)
PAGE_LAYOUT_ONE_COLUMN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Display the pages in one column.
PAGE_LAYOUT_SINGLE_PAGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Display one page at a time.
PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the left.
PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the right.
PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the left.
PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the right.
PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Switch to fullscreen mode on startup.
PAGE_MODE_USE_ATTACHMENTS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show attachments panel on startup.
PAGE_MODE_USE_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show no panel on startup.
PAGE_MODE_USE_OC - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show optional content group panel on startup.
PAGE_MODE_USE_OUTLINES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show bookmarks panel on startup.
PAGE_MODE_USE_THUMBS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Show thumbnail images panel on startup.
PAGE_ORDER_BOOKLET - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Page order mode to arrange all pages in booklet order
PAGE_ORDER_BOOKLET_RTL - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Page order mode to arrange all pages in right-to-left booklet order
PAGE_ORDER_EVEN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Page order mode to keep even pages only
PAGE_ORDER_ODD - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Page order mode to keep odd pages only
PAGE_ORDER_REVERSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Page order mode to reverse the page order
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_DOWN_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and right to left.
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_DOWN_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and left to right.
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_LEFT_DOWN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and top to bottom.
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_LEFT_UP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and bottom to top.
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_RIGHT_DOWN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and top to bottom.
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_RIGHT_UP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and bottom to top.
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_UP_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and right to left.
PAGES_PER_SHEET_DIRECTION_UP_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and left to right.
PARENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst
Log content exceeding its container
PDF - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF with no additional restrictions (default)
PDF - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
PDF output format
PDF_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_EVENT_AFTER_PRINT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This event is triggered after the PDF has been printed by the viewer application.
PDF_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_EVENT_AFTER_SAVE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This event is triggered after the PDF has been saved by the viewer application.
PDF_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_EVENT_BEFORE_PRINT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This event is triggered before the PDF is printed by the viewer application.
PDF_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This event is triggered before the PDF is saved by the viewer application.
PDF_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_EVENT_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This event is triggered when the PDF is closed by the viewer application.
PDF_SCRIPT_TRIGGER_EVENT_OPEN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This event is triggered when the PDF is opened in the viewer application.
PDFA1A - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level A)
PDFA1A_PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-1a + PDF/UA-1 ....
PDFA1B - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level B)
PDFA2A - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-2a (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level A)
PDFA2A_PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-2a + PDF/UA-1 ....
PDFA2B - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-2b (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level B)
PDFA2U - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-2u (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level U)
PDFA3A - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-3a (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level A)
PDFA3A_PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-3a + PDF/UA-1 ....
PDFA3B - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-3b (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level B)
PDFA3U - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/A-3u (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level U)
PDFreactor - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy
PDFreactor() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Creates an instance of PDFreactor.
PDFreactor - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
PDFreactor converts HTML and XML documents into PDF or image.
PDFreactor() - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.PDFreactor
PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy
PDFreactor converts HTML and XML documents into PDF and provides a large number of settings for the conversion process.
PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer(Configuration) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Creates an instance of PDFreactor.
PDFUA1 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/UA-1 (ISO ...)
PDFX1A_2001 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1:2001)
PDFX1A_2003 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/X-1a:2003 (ISO 15930-4:2003)
PDFX3_2002 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/X-3:2002 (ISO 15930-3:2002)
PDFX3_2003 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/X-3:2003 (ISO 15930-6:2003)
PDFX4 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/X-4 (ISO 15930-7:2008)
PDFX4P - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
PDF/X-4p (ISO 15930-7:2008)
PERFORMANCE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
Indicates that all log events will be logged.
PICKTRAYBYPDFSIZE_FALSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Print dialog default setting: do not pick tray by PDF size
PICKTRAYBYPDFSIZE_TRUE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Print dialog default setting: pick tray by PDF size
PKCS12 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeystoreType
Keystore type "pkcs12"
PNG - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
PNG output format (using Java Image I/O)
PNG_AI - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
PNG output format (using Apache Imaging)
PNG_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
Transparent PNG output format (using Java Image I/O)
PNG_TRANSPARENT_AI - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
Transparent PNG output format (using Apache Imaging)
PREPEND - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MergeMode
Alternate merge mode: Prepend converted document to existing PDF
PRINTSCALING_APPDEFAULT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Print dialog default setting: set scaling to application default value.
PRINTSCALING_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
Print dialog default setting: disabled scaling
PROCESSING_PREFERENCES_SAVE_MEMORY_IMAGES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Processing preferences flag for the memory saving mode for images.
progress(ProgressEvent) - Method in interface com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events.ProgressEventListener
This method will be called when a progress event occurs.
ProgressEvent - Interface in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events
This interface defines a continuous progress event during PDF creation.
ProgressEventListener - Interface in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events
Implement this interface to be informed about the PDF creation progress.


Record - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
A log record.
removeAllIntegrationStyleSheets() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Removes all integration style sheets.
removeAllUserScripts() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Removes all user scripts.
removeAllUserStyleSheets() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Removes all user style sheets.
removeAllXSLTStyleSheets() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Removes all XSLT style sheets.
removeProgressEventListener(ProgressEventListener) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
renderDocument(InputSource, OutputStream) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Generates a PDF document from an InputSource.
renderDocumentFromByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Generates a PDF document or an image from an HTML or XML document inside a byte-array.
renderDocumentFromByteArrayAsArray(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Generates an array of byte-arrays each containing an image representing one page of the document from an HTML or XML document inside a byte-array.
renderDocumentFromContent(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Generates a PDF document or an image from an HTML or XML document inside a String.
renderDocumentFromContentAsArray(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Generates an array of byte-arrays each containing an image representing one page of the document from an HTML or XML document inside a String.
renderDocumentFromURL(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Generates a PDF document or an image from an HTML or XML document at a URL.
renderDocumentFromURLAsArray(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Generates an array of byte-arrays each containing an image representing one page of the document from an HTML or XML document at a URL.
renderDocumentInternal(InputSource, boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
Generates a PDF document from an InputSource.
renderDocumentInternal(InputSource, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactorCompatibilityLayer
RESOLUTION - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the resolution of the output device.
ResourceType - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver
Indicates the type of resource.
Result - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
The Result class represents the result of a PDFreactor conversion.
REVERSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
Page order mode to reverse the page order
RGB - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ColorSpace
The color space RGB
RIGHT_DOWN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and top to bottom.
RIGHT_UP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and bottom to top.
RUNNING_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
A running document.


SAVE_MEMORY_IMAGES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ProcessingPreferences
Processing preferences flag for the memory saving mode for images.
SCRIPT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
A script.
SELF_SIGNED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SigningMode
Signing mode for self-signed certificates.
setAddAttachments(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables attachments specified in style sheets.
setAddAttachments(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables attachments specified in style sheets.
setAddBookmarks(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables bookmarks in the PDF document.
setAddBookmarks(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables bookmarks in the PDF document.
setAddComments(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables comments in the PDF document.
setAddComments(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables comments in the PDF document.
setAddLinks(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables links in the PDF document.
setAddLinks(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables links in the PDF document.
setAddOverprint(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables overprinting.
setAddOverprint(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables overprinting.
setAddPreviewImages(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables embedding of image previews per page in the PDF document.
setAddPreviewImages(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables embedding of image previews per page in the PDF document.
setAddTags(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables tagging of the PDF document.
setAddTags(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables tagging of the PDF document.
setAllowAnnotations(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'annotations' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowAnnotations(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'annotations' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowAssembly(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'assembly' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowAssembly(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'assembly' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowCopy(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'copy' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowCopy(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'copy' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowDegradedPrinting(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'degraded printing' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowDegradedPrinting(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'degraded printing' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowFillIn(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'fill in' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowFillIn(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'fill in' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowModifyContents(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'modify contents' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowModifyContents(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'modify contents' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowPrinting(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'printing' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowPrinting(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'printing' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowScreenReaders(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the 'screen readers' restriction in the PDF document.
setAllowScreenReaders(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the 'screen readers' restriction in the PDF document.
setAppendLog(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Specifies whether or not the log data should be added to the PDF document.
setAppendLog(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Specifies whether or not the log data should be added to the PDF document.
setAttachments(Configuration.Attachment[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a file attachment to PDF document.
setAuthenticationCredentials(Configuration.KeyValuePair) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables access to resources that are secured via Basic or Digest authentication.
setAuthenticationCredentials(String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables access to resources that are secured via Basic or Digest authentication.
setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the value of the author field of the PDF document.
setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the value of the author field of the PDF document.
setBaseURL(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the base URL of the document.
setBaseURL(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the base URL of the document.
setBeforeDocumentScripts(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Resource
Use true to cause PDFreactor to run the script before all scripts inside the document and false to run it after.
setBeforeDocumentScripts(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ScriptResource
Use true to cause PDFreactor to run the script before all scripts inside the document and false to run it after.
setBold(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Font
Whether the alias will be labeled bold.
setBookletMode(Configuration.BookletMode) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Convenience method to set pages-per-sheet properties and page order in one step to create a booklet.
setBookletMode(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Convenience method to set pages-per-sheet properties and page order in one step to create a booklet.
setByteStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Set the byte stream for this input source.
setCacheFonts(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables caching of font information.
setCacheFonts(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables caching of font information.
setCharacterStream(Reader) - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Set the character stream for this input source.
setCleanupTool(Configuration.Cleanup) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the cleanup tool to use for documents with unparsable content.
setCleanupTool(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the cleanup tool to use for documents with unparsable content.
setCols(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
The number of columns per sheet.
setConformance(Configuration.Conformance) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the conformance of the PDF.
setConformance(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the conformance of the PDF.
setConnections(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContentObserver
Enables observation of URL connections done by PDFreactor.
setContent(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Resource
The content of the resource.
setContent(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ScriptResource
The content of the resource.
setContent(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Xmp
XMP, as an XML string, to be embedded into the PDF document.
setContentObserver(Configuration.ContentObserver) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Specifies parts of the document's content that should be observed and logged in greater detail.
setContentObserver(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Specifies parts of the document's content that should be observed and logged in greater detail.
setContinuousOutput(Configuration.ContinuousOutput) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables the conversion of the input document into one image.
setContinuousOutput(int, int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables the conversion of the input document into one image.
setConversionName(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets a name for the conversion.
setConversionName(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets a name for the conversion.
setCookie(String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a cookie to all outgoing HTTP connections.
setCookies(Configuration.KeyValuePair[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a cookie to all outgoing HTTP connections.
setCreator(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the value of creator field of the PDF document.
setCreator(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the value of creator field of the PDF document.
setCssSettings(Configuration.CssSettings) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Specifies the behavior of PDFreactor regarding the support and validation of CSS properties and their declaration.
setCustomDocumentProperties(Configuration.KeyValuePair[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a custom property to the PDF document.
setCustomUrlStreamHandlers(Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a URLStreamHandler for the specified protocol which will be used for all connections to retrieve the input document and resources.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Attachment
The binary content of the attachment.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntent
The profile data
setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Resource
The binary data of the resource.
setDefaultColorSpace(Configuration.ColorSpace) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets whether to convert color key words to CMYK instead of RGB.
setDefaultColorSpace(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets whether to convert color key words to CMYK instead of RGB.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Attachment
The description of the attachment.
setDirection(Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
The direction in which the pages are ordered on a sheet.
setDisableFontEmbedding(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets whether fonts will not be embedded into the resulting PDF.
setDisableFontEmbedding(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets whether fonts will not be embedded into the resulting PDF.
setDisableFontRegistration(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the font registration.
setDisableFontRegistration(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the font registration.
setDisableSystemFonts(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables the use of system fonts.
setDisableSystemFonts(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables the use of system fonts.
setDocument(Object) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
setDocument(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
The input document.
setDocument(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
The input document as a byte array.
setDocument(InputSource) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
The document as InputSource.
setDocumentDefaultLanguage(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the language used for documents having no explicit language attribute set.
setDocumentDefaultLanguage(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the language used for documents having no explicit language attribute set.
setDocumentType(Configuration.Doctype) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the document type.
setDocumentType(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the document type.
setEnableDebugMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables debug mode, which adds additional information to the output.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the encoding of the document.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the encoding of the document.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Set the character encoding, if known.
setEncryption(Configuration.Encryption) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the encryption.
setEncryption(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the encryption.
setErrorPolicies(Configuration.ErrorPolicy[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Specifies error policies that will be used for the conversion.
setErrorPolicies(int[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Specifies error policies that will be used for the conversion.
setExceedingContentAgainst(Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContentObserver
Enables observation of exceeding content either against the page edges, page content areas or containers.
setExceedingContentAnalyze(Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContentObserver
Enables observation of exceeding content and optionally of boxes.
setFamily(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Font
The alias name for that font.
setFontAliases(Configuration.Font[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Registers an alias font family for an existing font.
setFontCachePath(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the path of the font cache.
setFontCachePath(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the path of the font cache.
setFontDirectories(String[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Registers an additional font directory to load fonts from.
setFontDirectory(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
As of PDFreactor 6.0, replaced by PDFreactor.addFontDirectory(String)
setFontFallback(String[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets a list of fallback font families used for character substitution.
setFontFallback(String[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets a list of fallback font families used for character substitution.
setFonts(Configuration.Font[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Loads a font from a URL which can be used via the CSS property font-family.
setForceGrayscaleImage(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
If the output format is an image format, this setting controls whether a grayscale image should be returned.
setForceGrayscaleImage(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
If the output format is an image format, this setting controls whether a grayscale image should be returned.
setFullCompression(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables full compression of the PDF document.
setFullCompression(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables full compression of the PDF document.
setHandler(URLStreamHandler) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler
The handler.
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContinuousOutput
Equivalent to the height of a browser window (view port).
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputFormat
The height of the output in pixels (image formats only).
setHttpsMode(Configuration.HttpsMode) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the HTTPS mode.
setHTTPSMode(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the HTTPS mode.
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntent
The identifier
setIdentifier(Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntent
The identifier
setIgnoreAlpha(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets whether the alpha value of CSS RGBA colors is ignored.
setIgnoreAlpha(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets whether the alpha value of CSS RGBA colors is ignored.
setInputSource(InputSource) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Resource
The InputSource of the resource.
setIntegrationStyleSheets(Configuration.Resource[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds an integration style sheet to the document.
setItalic(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Font
Whether the alias will be labeled italic.
setJavaScriptMode(Configuration.JavaScriptMode) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the JavaScript Mode.
setJavaScriptMode(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the JavaScript Mode.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeyValuePair
The key
setKeyAlias(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
The alias of the certificate included in the keystore to be used to sign the PDF.
setKeystorePassword(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
The password of the keystore.
setKeystoreType(Configuration.KeystoreType) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
The format of the keystore, i.e.
setKeystoreURL(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
The URL to the keystore file.
setKeywords(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the value of the keywords field of the PDF document.
setKeywords(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the value of the keywords field of the PDF document.
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the license key using a string.
setLicenseKey(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the license key using a string.
setLogExceedingContent(Configuration.LogExceedingContent) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
setLogExceedingContent(int, int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
As of PDFreactor 9. Use #setContentObserver(int, int) instead.
setLogExceedingContentAgainst(Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogExceedingContent
Enables logging of exceeding content either against the page edges, page content areas or containers.
setLogExceedingContentAnalyze(Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogExceedingContent
Enables logging of exceeding content and optionally of boxes.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets a Logger to receive log messages.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets a Logger to receive log messages.
setLogLevel(Configuration.LogLevel) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the log level.
setLogLevel(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the log level.
setMedia(String) - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Set the media for this input source.
setMediaFeature(Configuration.MediaFeature) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeatureValue
The media feature.
setMediaFeatureValue(int, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Defines the value of a Media Feature which is used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
setMediaFeatureValues(Configuration.MediaFeatureValue[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Defines the value of a Media Feature which is used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
setMediaTypes(String[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the media types that are used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
setMediaTypes(String[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the media types that are used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
setMergeBeforePDF(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
As of PDFreactor 5.0, replaced by PDFreactor.setMergeMode(int)
setMergeByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
setMergeByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This method sets a byte array containing an external PDF document which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
setMergeByteArrays(byte[][]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
setMergeByteArrays(byte[][]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This method sets an array of byte arrays that contain multiple external PDFs which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
setMergeDocuments(Configuration.Resource[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
This method sets external PDF documents which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the HTML source.
setMergeMode(Configuration.MergeMode) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the merge mode.
setMergeMode(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the merge mode.
setMergeURL(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
setMergeURL(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This method sets a URL of an external PDF document which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
setMergeURLs(String[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
setMergeURLs(String[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
This method sets an array of URLs of external PDF documents which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
setMissingResources(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContentObserver
Enables observation of resources that could not be loaded.
setMultiImage(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputFormat
Indicates whether the image output will be paginated into multiple images.
setName(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Attachment
The file name associated with the attachment.
setOutputFormat(Configuration.OutputFormat) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the output format.
setOutputFormat(int, int, int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the output format.
setOutputIntent(Configuration.OutputIntent) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the output intent including the identifier and the ICC profile to be embedded into the PDF.
setOutputIntent(String, byte[], String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the output intent including the identifier and the ICC profile to be embedded into the PDF.
setOutputIntentFromByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
setOutputIntentFromURL(String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
setOverlayRepeat(Configuration.OverlayRepeat) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
If one of the documents of an overlay process is shorter than the other, this method allows repeating either its last page or all of its pages in order to overlay all pages of the longer document.
setOverlayRepeat(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
If one of the documents of an overlay process is shorter than the other, this method allows repeating either its last page or all of its pages in order to overlay all pages of the longer document.
setOwnerPassword(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the owner password of the PDF document.
setOwnerPassword(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the owner password of the PDF document.
setPageOrder(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the page order of the direct result of the conversion.
setPageOrder(Configuration.PageOrder) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the page order of the direct result of the conversion.
setPageOrder(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the page order of the direct result of the conversion.
setPagesPerSheetProperties(Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the properties of a sheet on which multiple pages are being arranged.
setPagesPerSheetProperties(int, int, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the properties of a sheet on which multiple pages are being arranged.
setPdfScriptAction(Configuration.PdfScriptAction[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets a pair of trigger event and PDF script.
setPdfScriptAction(int, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets a pair of trigger event and PDF script.
setPixelsPerInch(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the pixels per inch.
setPixelsPerInch(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the pixels per inch.
setPixelsPerInchShrinkToFit(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Whether the pixels per inch should be adapted automatically to avoid content exceeding pages.
setPixelsPerInchShrinkToFit(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Whether the pixels per inch should be adapted automatically to avoid content exceeding pages.
setPostTransformationDocumentType(Configuration.Doctype) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the document type after the XSL-Transformations have been applied.
setPostTransformationDocumentType(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the document type after the XSL-Transformations have been applied.
setPrintDialogPrompt(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables a print dialog to be shown upon opening the generated PDF document by a PDF viewer.
setPrintDialogPrompt(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables a print dialog to be shown upon opening the generated PDF document by a PDF viewer.
setPriority(Configuration.XmpPriority) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Xmp
Priority of this XMP over XMP generated automatically for the conformance requirements of certain output formats.
setProcessingPreferences(Configuration.ProcessingPreferences[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Preferences that influence the conversion process without changing the output
setProcessingPreferences(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Preferences that influence the conversion process without changing the output
setProgressEventListeners(ProgressEventListener[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a ProgressEventListener.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CustomUrlStreamHandler
The protocol, e.g.
setRawCookie(String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a cookie to all outgoing HTTP connections.
setRawCookies(Configuration.KeyValuePair[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a cookie to all outgoing HTTP connections.
setRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Adds a request header to all outgoing HTTP connections.
setRequestHeaders(Configuration.KeyValuePair[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a request header to all outgoing HTTP connections.
setResourceRequestTimeout(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets a timeout in milliseconds for requests to resources, such as HTTP requests to style sheets, images etc.
setResourceRequestTimeout(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets a timeout in milliseconds for requests to resources, such as HTTP requests to style sheets, images etc.
setRows(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
The number of rows per sheet.
setRtl(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.BookletMode
Whether or not the reading order of the booklet should be right-to-left.
setScript(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptAction
The script source that should be executed.
setSheetMargin(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.BookletMode
The sheet margin as CSS margin value, e.g.
setSheetMargin(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
The sheet margin as CSS margin, e.g.
setSheetSize(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.BookletMode
The size of the sheet as CSS value, e.g.
setSheetSize(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
The sheet size as CSS size, e.g.
setSigningMode(Configuration.SigningMode) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
The mode that is used to sign the PDF, i.e.
setSigninMode(Configuration.SigningMode) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SignPDF
setSignPDF(Configuration.SignPDF) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets a digital certificate to sign the newly created PDF.
setSignPDF(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets a digital certificate to sign the newly created PDF.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Font
The source URL of the font (when adding new fonts) or the name of an existing font family (when creating an alias).
setSpacing(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetProperties
The horizontal and vertical space between pages on a sheet as CSS value, e.g.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the value of the subject field of the PDF document.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the value of the subject field of the PDF document.
setSupportQueryMode(Configuration.CssPropertySupport) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssSettings
Adjusts the CSS property support behavior.
setThrowLicenseExceptions(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
setThrowLicenseExceptions(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
As of PDFreactor 9. Use #setErrorPolicies(int) instead.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the value of the title field of the PDF document.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the value of the title field of the PDF document.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Set the title for this input source.
setTriggerEvent(Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptAction
The event on which the script is executed.
setType(Configuration.OutputType) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputFormat
the output format.
setUri(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Resource
The URI of the resource.
setUri(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ScriptResource
The URI of the resource.
setUri(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Xmp
URI to XMP to be embedded into the PDF document, if content is null.
setURI(String) - Method in class org.w3c.css.sac.InputSource
Set the URI for this input source.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Attachment
If data is null, the attachment will be retrieved from this URL.
setUrl(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntent
The profile URL
setUserPassword(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the user password of the PDF document.
setUserPassword(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the user password of the PDF document.
setUserScripts(Configuration.Resource[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds an user script to the document.
setUserStyleSheets(Configuration.Resource[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds a user style sheet to the document.
setValidationMode(Configuration.CssPropertySupport) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssSettings
Adjusts the CSS property validation behavior.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeyValuePair
The value
setValue(String) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeatureValue
The value that is associated with the given media feature.
setViewerPreferences(Configuration.ViewerPreferences[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets the page layout and page mode preferences of the PDF.
setViewerPreferences(int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets the page layout and page mode preferences of the PDF.
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ContinuousOutput
Equivalent to the width of a browser window (view port).
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputFormat
The with of the output in pixels (image formats only).
setXmp(Configuration.Xmp) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Sets custom XMP to be embedded into the PDF document.
setXmp(String, String, int) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Sets custom XMP to be embedded into the PDF document.
setXsltMode(Boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Enables or disables XSLT transformations.
setXSLTMode(boolean) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Enables or disables XSLT transformations.
setXsltStyleSheets(Configuration.Resource[]) - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration
Adds an XSLT style sheet to the document.
SIGNING_MODE_SELF_SIGNED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Signing mode for self-signed certificates.
SIGNING_MODE_VERISIGN_SIGNED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Signing mode for VeriSign certificates.
SIGNING_MODE_WINCER_SIGNED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Signing mode for Windows certificates.
STRICT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.HttpsMode
Indicates strict HTTPS behavior.
STYLESHEET - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
A style sheet.
SWOP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"US Web Coated (SWOP) v2" output intent default profile
SWOP_3 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
"Web Coated SWOP 2006 Grade 3 Paper" output intent default profile


TAGSOUP - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Cleanup
Indicates that tagsoup will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
terminateConversion(String) - Method in interface com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events.ProgressEvent
Terminates the current conversion.
TIFF_CCITT_1D - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
Monochrome CCITT 1D compressed TIFF output format
TIFF_CCITT_GROUP_3 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
Monochrome CCITT Group 3 compressed TIFF output format
TIFF_CCITT_GROUP_4 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
Monochrome CCITT Group 4 compressed TIFF output format
TIFF_LZW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
LZW compressed TIFF output format
TIFF_PACKBITS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
PackBits compressed TIFF output format
TIFF_UNCOMPRESSED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
Uncompressed TIFF output format
TimeoutListener - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events
An implementation of a ProgressEventListener that automatically terminates the conversion after the specified timeout in seconds.
TimeoutListener(int) - Constructor for class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.events.TimeoutListener
toString() - Method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ExceedingContent
TRIM - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OverlayRepeat
The resulting PDF is trimmed to the number of pages of the shorter document
TYPE_128 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Encryption
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 128 bit encryption.
TYPE_40 - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Encryption
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 40 bit encryption.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
An unknown resource type.
UP_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and right to left.
UP_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and left to right.


valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Cleanup
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ColorSpace
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssPropertySupport
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Doctype
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Encryption
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ErrorPolicy
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.HttpsMode
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.JavaScriptMode
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeystoreType
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MergeMode
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OverlayRepeat
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ProcessingPreferences
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SigningMode
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.XmpPriority
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Cleanup
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ColorSpace
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Conformance
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.CssPropertySupport
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Doctype
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Encryption
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ErrorPolicy
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAgainst
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ExceedingContentAnalyze
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.HttpsMode
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.JavaScriptMode
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.KeystoreType
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MergeMode
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputIntentDefaultProfile
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OutputType
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.OverlayRepeat
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PageOrder
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PagesPerSheetDirection
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.PdfScriptTriggerEvent
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ProcessingPreferences
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SigningMode
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.ViewerPreferences
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.XmpPriority
values() - Static method in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.contentobserver.ResourceType
VERISIGN_SIGNED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SigningMode
Signing mode for VeriSign certificates.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
The version of PDFreactor
VERSION - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.PDFreactor
Version - Class in com.realobjects.pdfreactor
The Version class represents the version of PDFreactor.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_CENTER_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Position the document's window in the center of the screen.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DIRECTION_L2R - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Position pages in ascending order from left to right.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DIRECTION_R2L - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Position pages in ascending order from right to left.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DISPLAY_DOC_TITLE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Display the document's title in the top bar.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DUPLEX_FLIP_LONG_EDGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Print dialog default setting: duplex (long edge)
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DUPLEX_FLIP_SHORT_EDGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Print dialog default setting: duplex (short edge)
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DUPLEX_SIMPLEX - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Print dialog default setting: simplex
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_FIT_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_HIDE_MENUBAR - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Hide the viewer application's menu bar when the document is active.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_HIDE_TOOLBAR - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Hide the viewer application's tool bars when the document is active.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_HIDE_WINDOW_UI - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Hide user interface elements in the document's window.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show no panel on exiting full-screen mode.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_OC - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show optional content group panel on exiting full-screen mode.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_OUTLINES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show bookmarks panel on exiting full-screen mode.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_NON_FULLSCREEN_PAGE_MODE_USE_THUMBS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show thumbnail images panel on exiting full-screen mode.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_LAYOUT_ONE_COLUMN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Display the pages in one column.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_LAYOUT_SINGLE_PAGE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Display one page at a time.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the left.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the right.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_LEFT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the left.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the right.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Switch to fullscreen mode on startup.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_MODE_USE_ATTACHMENTS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show attachments panel on startup.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_MODE_USE_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show no panel on startup.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_MODE_USE_OC - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show optional content group panel on startup.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_MODE_USE_OUTLINES - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show bookmarks panel on startup.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PAGE_MODE_USE_THUMBS - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Show thumbnail images panel on startup.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PICKTRAYBYPDFSIZE_FALSE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Print dialog default setting: do not pick tray by PDF size
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PICKTRAYBYPDFSIZE_TRUE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Print dialog default setting: pick tray by PDF size
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PRINTSCALING_APPDEFAULT - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Print dialog default setting: set scaling to application default value.
VIEWER_PREFERENCES_PRINTSCALING_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Print dialog default setting: disabled scaling


WARN - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.LogLevel
Indicates that warn and fatal log events will be logged.
WIDTH - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.MediaFeature
CSS 3 Media Feature width of page content.
WINCER_SIGNED - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.SigningMode
Signing mode for Windows certificates.


XHTML - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Doctype
Indicates that the document type will be set to XHTML.
XML - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.Configuration.Doctype
Indicates that the document type will be set to generic XML.
XMP_PRIORITY_HIGH - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Embed XMP ignoring requirments of the output format.
XMP_PRIORITY_LOW - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Embed XMP if the output format does not have XMP requirments.
XMP_PRIORITY_NONE - Static variable in class com.realobjects.pdfreactor.legacy.PDFreactor
Do not embed XMP.
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PDFreactor API

This doc was generated on 2018-08-13. Copyright © 2002-2018 RealObjects GmbH. All Rights Reserved.