PDFreactor Web Service Client API Documentation
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This class contains all options related to the PDF or image conversion. Only Configuration.document or Configuration.document is required, all other configuration settings are optional.
- addAttachments → Boolean
Enables or disables attachments specified in style sheets.
The default value is
.- addBookmarks → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use Configuration.disableBookmarks instead.
- addComments → Boolean
Enables or disables comments in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- addLinks → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use Configuration.disableLinks instead.
- addOverprint → Boolean
Enables or disables overprinting.
The default value is
.- addPreviewImages → Boolean
Enables or disables embedding of image previews per page in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- addTags → Boolean
Enables or disables tagging of the PDF document.
The default value is
.- allowAnnotations → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowAnnotations instead.
- allowAssembly → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowAssembly instead.
- allowCopy → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowCopy instead.
- allowDegradedPrinting → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowDegradedPrinting instead.
- allowFillIn → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowFillIn instead.
- allowModifyContents → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowModifyContents instead.
- allowPrinting → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowPrinting instead.
- allowScreenReaders → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.allowScreenReaders instead.
- appendLog → Boolean
Specifies whether or not the log data should be added to the PDF document.
The default value is
.- attachments → Array<Attachment>
Adds a file attachment to PDF document.
- authenticationCredentials → KeyValuePair
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use NetworkSettings.authenticationCredentials instead.
Sets the value of the author field of the PDF document.
- baseURL → String
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use Configuration.baseUrl instead.
- baseUrl → String
Sets the base URL of the document.
To resolve relative URLs to absolute URLs a reference (base) URL is required. This reference URL is usually the system id of the document.
This method can be used to specify another reference URL. If this URL is not
then it will be used instead of the system id.The default value is
.- bookletMode → BookletMode
Convenience method to set pages-per-sheet properties and page order in one step to create a booklet.
- callbacks → Array<Callback>
Adds callbacks to the conversion which will be called at specific times. All callbacks perform a POST request to the specified URL with the specified content type and a certain model which depends on the callback event.
For each callback, you can specify a timeout. If no timeout is specified, the server's default timeout for callbacks is used. A value of zero or negative values indicate an infinite timeout, however the PDFreactor server may have a maximum timeout configured, in which case that will be the used value.
Some callbacks might be called regularly during the course of a conversion. For these callbacks you can specify an interval to control how frequently they are called.
- cleanupTool → Cleanup
Sets the cleanup tool to use for documents with unparsable content.
The Cleanup constants can be used as value. The default value specified is Cleanup.CYBERNEKO.
The cleanup tool is only used for Configuration.documentType Doctype.XHTML. HTML5 utilizes an internal cleanup.
- colorSpaceSettings → ColorSpaceSettings
Specifies color space related settings.
- conformance → Conformance
Sets the conformance of the PDF.
The Conformance constants can be used as value. The default value specified is Conformance.PDF.
- contentObserver → ContentObserver
Specifies parts of the document's content that should be observed and logged in greater detail. Data logged this way can be programmatically retrieved after the conversion has finished. The following can be observed:
Content exceeding boundary containers.
Use ExceedingContentAnalyze constants to specify which kind of content should be observed for exceeding content logging. The default value is ExceedingContentAnalyze.NONE.
Use ExceedingContentAgainst constants to specify that exceeding this content starts exceeding content logging. The default value is ExceedingContentAgainst.NONE.
- Resources that could not be loaded.
- URL connection attempts made by PDFreactor.
- continuousOutput → ContinuousOutput
Enables the conversion of the input document into one image.
- conversionName → String
Sets a name for the conversion. If a name is set, it will be logged at level "info". The name can be an arbitrary string but should be unique for every conversion or application so that the log output can be matched to a specific conversion or application later.
- conversionTimeout → Integer
Sets a timeout in seconds for the whole document conversion. If the timeout is exceeded, the conversion will be aborted.
A timeout of 0 or negative values mean that the conversion will never time out. This is also the default behavior if no timeout is specified.
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use NetworkSettings.cookies instead.
- creator → String
Sets the value of creator field of the PDF document.
- cssSettings → CssSettings
Specifies the behavior of PDFreactor regarding the support and validation of CSS properties and their declaration. The following modes can be set:
- Do not validate at all, consider all declared style as valid. See CssPropertySupport.ALL
- Validate all declared styles for properties only supported by PDFreactor. Properties only supported by third party products are not supported/taken as invalid. See CssPropertySupport.HTML
- Validate all declared styles for properties supported by PDFreactor. Properties only supported by third party products are supported/taken as valid. See CssPropertySupport.HTML_THIRD_PARTY
- All properties supported by third party products are supported/taken as valid. All declared styles for properties not supported by third party products but supported by PDFreactor will be validated. See CssPropertySupport.HTML_THIRD_PARTY_LENIENT
- customDocumentProperties → Array<KeyValuePair>
Adds a custom property to the PDF document. An existing property of the same name will be replaced.
- debugSettings → DebugSettings
Enables and configures debug settings, which add additional information to the output.
If enabled, exceptions during the conversion will not be thrown. In such a case, instead of a document a string containing the log and exception will be returned.
- disableBookmarks → Boolean
Disables bookmarks in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- disableFontEmbedding → Boolean
Sets whether fonts will not be embedded into the resulting PDF. Setting this to true will reduce the file size of the output document. However, the resulting PDF documents are no longer guaranteed to look identical on all systems.
The default value is
.- disableLinks → Boolean
Disables links in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- disablePdfStructureOptimization → Boolean
Disables the automatic optimization and compression of the PDF structure.
The default value is
.- document → Binary | String
The input document. This can either be a URL string, XML or HTML source code string.
Alternatively, the input document can be specified directly as Binary or as Base64-encoded string.- documentDefaultLanguage → String
Sets the language used for documents having no explicit language attribute set.
The language code is used to resolve the lang() selector correct and to determine the correct language used for hyphenation.
- documentType → Doctype
Sets the document type.
The Doctype constants can be used to specify the document type. The default value specified is Doctype.AUTODETECT.
- encoding → String
Sets the encoding of the document.
If this value is set to
or it is empty then the encoding will be detected automatically.The default value is
.- encryption → Encryption
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use Configuration.encryptionSettings instead.
- encryptionSettings → EncryptionSettings
Configures the PDF encryption settings. Specify an owner password and user password to allow or restrict access to certain PDF features such as copying or modifying.
- errorPolicies → Array<ErrorPolicy>
Specifies error policies that will be used for the conversion. Depending on the policy, the conversion will fail if the appropriate criteria are not met.
- fontAliases → Array<Font>
Registers an alias font family for an existing font.
This function is limited to fonts loaded automatically from system folders.
- fontFallback → Array<String>
Sets a list of fallback font families to be tried when none of the fonts listed using the CSS property
can be found. It is also used in cases of per character font fallback, when none of the specified fonts contain the required character.- fonts → Array<Font>
Loads a font from a URL which can be used via the CSS property
.- forceGrayscaleImage → Boolean
If the output format is an image format, this setting controls whether a grayscale image should be returned. This can not be combined with transparency.
- fullCompression → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use Configuration.disablePdfStructureOptimization instead.
- httpsMode → HttpsMode
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use SecuritySettings.trustAllConnectionCertificates instead.
- ignoreAlpha → Boolean
Sets whether the alpha value of CSS RGBA colors is ignored. This can be used to avoid conformance issues in PDF/A-1.
- inspectableSettings → InspectableSettings
When enabled, makes the converted document inspectable with the PDFreactor Development Tools.
Only works with OutputType.PDF output and requires a license key.
- integrationStyleSheets → Array<Resource>
Adds an integration style sheet to the document.
There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
- Specifying the style sheet only using an URI.
- Specifying the style sheet by the content of the style sheet and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
- javaScriptSettings → JavaScriptSettings
Specifies JavaScript related settings.
- keepDocument → Boolean
If set to
prevents the document from being deleted from the PDFreactor Web Service after it has been accessed. This only works for asynchronous conversions.- keywords → String
Sets the value of the keywords field of the PDF document.
- licenseKey → String
Sets the license key either as content or URL. If the license key is set to
then PDFreactor looks for a license key file file in the same directory where the 'pdfreactor.jar' file is located. If no license key could be found then PDFreactor runs in evaluation mode.The default value is
.- logLevel → LogLevel
Sets the log level for the conversion log.
Use one of the LogLevel constants to specify the log level.
The default value is LogLevel.INFO.
- logMaxLines → Integer
Sets the maximum amount of log entries that will be retained by the PDFreactor logs.
The default value is 100000.
A capacity of 0 is equivalent to the default value. A negative value means that the capacity will be unlimited.
- mediaFeatureValues → Array<MediaFeatureValue>
Defines the value of a Media Feature which is used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
- mediaTypes → Array<String>
Sets the media types that are used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
Please note that this overrides the default media types of PDFreactor, which are:
- mergeDocuments → Array<Resource>
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use MergeSettings.documents instead.
- mergeMode → MergeMode
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use MergeSettings.mode instead.
- mergeSettings → MergeSettings
Configures the PDF merge settings. Specify which documents should be merged and how they should be merged (i.e. by appending, prepending or using them as an overlay.
- networkSettings → NetworkSettings
Specifies settings for URL connections that PDFreactor establishes during the conversion to load resources.
- outputFormat → OutputFormat
Sets the OutputFormat. If not specified, a PDF output format will be used.
For image formats the width or height in pixels must be specified.
When either dimension is <1 it is computed based on the other dimension and the aspect ratio of the input document.
- outputIntent → OutputIntent
Sets the output intent including the identifier and the ICC profile to be embedded into the PDF.
Set either the profile URL or the profile data, not both. Certain PDF/X formats require neither, just a known identifier.
- overlayRepeat → OverlayRepeat
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use MergeSettings.overlayRepeat instead.
- ownerPassword → String
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.ownerPassword instead.
- pageOrder → PageOrder | String
Sets the page order of the direct result of the conversion.
If Configuration.mergeMode is set to MergeMode.ARRANGE, this method is also used to specify the position of inserted pages from an existing PDF.
A description of the syntax can be found in the manual.
- pagesPerSheetProperties → PagesPerSheetProperties
Sets the properties of a sheet on which multiple pages are being arranged.
If PagesPerSheetProperties.cols or PagesPerSheetProperties.rows is less than 1, no pages-per-sheet processing is done. This is the case by default.
Use one of the PagesPerSheetDirection constants to specify the the direction. The default value is PagesPerSheetDirection.RIGHT_DOWN.
- pdfScriptAction → Array<PdfScriptAction>
Sets a pair of trigger event and PDF script. The script is triggered on the specified event.
A PDF script is JavaScript that is executed by a PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Reader). Note that most viewers do not support this feature.
PDF Scripts can also be set by using the proprietary CSS property
. More information on this property can be found in the manual.Please note, that scripts set via CSS have a higher priority. If two scripts are registered on the same event, but one via API and the other via the CSS property, the script set in the CSS will override the other one.
- pixelsPerInch → Integer
Sets the pixels per inch.
Changing this value changes the physical length of sizes specified in px (including those specified via HTML attributes).
The default value is
ppi.- pixelsPerInchShrinkToFit → Boolean
Whether the pixels per inch should be adapted automatically to avoid content exceeding pages.
- postTransformationDocumentType → Doctype
Sets the document type after the XSL-Transformations have been applied.
The Doctype constants can be used to specify the document type. The default value specified is Doctype.AUTODETECT.
- printDialogPrompt → Boolean
Enables or disables a print dialog to be shown upon opening the generated PDF document by a PDF viewer.
The default value is
.- processingPreferences → Array<ProcessingPreferences>
Preferences that influence the conversion process without changing the output.
Use the ProcessingPreferences constants to specify the processing preferences. By default no processing preference is set.
- quirksSettings → QuirksSettings
Allows to enable or disable behaviors that are otherwise depend on the doctype of the input document.
- rawCookies → Array<KeyValuePair>
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use NetworkSettings.cookies instead.
- requestHeaders → Array<KeyValuePair>
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use NetworkSettings.requestHeaders instead.
- requestPriority → Integer
Specifies the priority of the conversion request. A higher priority means that the web service will adjust the conversion's position in the queue appropriately, so that it is converted before others with lower priority.
By default, asynchronous conversions have a priority of 0, synchronous conversions have a priority of 10.
- resourceConnectTimeout → Integer
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use NetworkSettings.connectTimeout instead.
- resourceReadTimeout → Integer
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use NetworkSettings.readTimeout instead.
- segmentationSettings → SegmentationSettings
This property configures segmentation of the conversion, which helps with very large documents.
- signPDF → SignPDF
Sets a digital certificate to sign the newly created PDF.
Requires a keystore file. The included certificate may be self-signed.
Use the KeystoreType constants to specify the keystore type.
Use the SigningMode constants to specify the cryptographic filter that is used for signing.
- subject → String
Sets the value of the subject field of the PDF document.
- title → String
Sets the value of the title field of the PDF document.
- urlRewriteSettings → UrlRewriteSettings
Specifies settings for URL rewrites, which will transform URLs into others according to certain rules.
- userPassword → String
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use EncryptionSettings.userPassword instead.
- userScripts → Array<Resource>
Adds an user script to the document.
There are two ways to specify the script:
- Specifying the script only by an URI.
- Specifying the script by the content of the script and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
Supports various ResourceSubtypes. Supported subtypes are: ResourceSubtype.JAVASCRIPT_CLASSIC, ResourceSubtype.JAVASCRIPT_IMPORTMAP and ResourceSubtype.JAVASCRIPT_MODULE. Other values are treated as ResourceSubtype.JAVASCRIPT_CLASSIC.
- userStyleSheets → Array<Resource>
Adds a user style sheet to the document.
There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
- Specifying the style sheet only using an URI.
- Specifying the style sheet by the content of the style sheet and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
- validateConformance → Boolean
Enables PDFreactor to validate the generated PDF against the Conformance specified via Configuration.conformance.
Currently only PDF/A and PDF/UA validation is supported.
Please note that validation might take several minutes for larger documents.
- viewerPreferences → Array<ViewerPreferences>
Sets the page layout and page mode preferences of the PDF.
Use the ViewerPreferences constants to specify the viewer preferences. By default no viewer preference is set.
- xmp → Xmp
Sets custom XMP to be embedded into the PDF document.
If both Xmp.content and Xmp.uri are not set or
no custom XMP is embedded. If XmpPriority is also set to XmpPriority.HIGH automatic generation of required XMP is also suppressed. This may cause output PDFs to not achieve a specified conformance.- xsltMode → Boolean
Enables or disables XSLT transformations.
Set this value to
to enable XSLT transformations or tofalse
to disable XSLT transformations.The default value is
.- xsltStyleSheets → Array<Resource>
Adds an XSLT style sheet to the document.
There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
- Specifying the style sheet only by an URI.
- Specifying the style sheet by the content of the style sheet and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
A type containing attachment data.
- data → Binary
The binary content of the attachment. May be
.- description → String
The description of the attachment. If this is not set or
the value of Attachment.name is used.- mimeType → String
The MIME type of the attachment. If this is not set,
or the empty string, detection is attempted or the default valueapplication/octet-stream
is used.
Please note that viewers generally ignore the MIME type in favor of the file extension. However, automatic processing of PDF documents may require attachments to have specific MIME types.- name → String
The file name associated with the attachment. It is recommended to specify the correct file extension. If this is not set or
the name is derived from Attachment.url.- url → String
If Attachment.data is not set or set to
, the attachment will be retrieved from this URL.If this is "#" the input document URL is used instead.
A type containing booklet mode data.
- rtl → Boolean
Whether or not the reading order of the booklet should be right-to-left.
- sheetMargin → String
The sheet margin as CSS margin value, for example
,"1cm 1.5cm"
or"10mm 20mm 10mm 30mm"
is interpreted as"1cm"
.- sheetSize → String
The size of the sheet as CSS value, for example
,"letter landscape"
,"15in 20in"
or"20cm 30cm"
is interpreted as"A4 landscape"
.- spacing → String
The horizontal and vertical space between pages on a sheet as CSS value, for example
is interpreted as"1mm"
- documents → Array<Document>
- An array of documents requests.
A type containing callback data.
- contentType → ContentType
The content type of the payload that is posted.
- interval → Integer
The interval in seconds at which to trigger repeating callbacks.
Only applies to CallbackType.PROGRESS.
- timeout → Integer
An optional timeout for the callback in milliseconds. A value of zero or negative values are treated as an infinite timeout.
- type → CallbackType
The event to trigger the callback.
- url → String
The URL to call back.
A type containing settings for the potential conversion of CSS colors and images into the target color space.
- cmykIccProfile → Resource
Specifies the ICC profile which defines the CMYK color space into or from which CSS colors and images are converted, if enabled.
- colorConversionIntent → ColorConversionIntent
Specifies how colors are converted between RGB and CMYK color spaces with an ICC profile. Other color spaces and conversions are not affected. For Java versions prior to 20, the conversions are always perceptive.
Defaults to ColorConversionIntent.PERCEPTIVE.
- conversionEnabled → Boolean
Enables the conversion of CSS colors and images to the target color space using the specified CMYK ICC profile or naively if there is none.
- targetColorSpace → ColorSpace
Specifies the target color-space of the PDF, i.e. the color space that CSS keyword based colors are converted to.
When ColorSpaceSettings.conversionEnabled is
other CSS colors and images are converted as well.It is also the color space for PDF/A and PDF/X documents.
Defaults to RGB.
A type that describes a URL connection attempt of PDFreactor during a conversion.
- cacheStatus → String
If a resource cache is used, indicates a status message concerning the cache status of this resource.
- cached → Boolean
Whether the response was retrieved from a cache.
- connected → Boolean
Whether a URL connection could be established by PDFreactor. If this is
, see Connection.error for details.- contentSize → Integer
The amount of content bytes downloaded or read from this connection.
- duration → Integer
The duration in milliseconds how long this connection remained open.
- error → String
The error message if the connection could not be established.
- method → String
The request method used by the underlying HTTP request (like "GET", "POST", etc.) or
if this is not an HTTP connection or the connection could not be established.- protocol → String
The protocol of the URL connection.
- requestContentSize → Integer
The amount of content bytes uploaded or written to this connection.
- requestHeaders → Array<KeyValuePair>
The request headers.
Note: If a header has multiple values, there will be one KeyValuePair for each value with the header name as key.
- resourceType → ResourceType
The type of resource (style sheet, image, etc.) transferred over this connection.
- responseHeaders → Array<KeyValuePair>
The response headers.
Note: If a header has multiple values, there will be one KeyValuePair for each value with the header name as key.
- statusCode → Integer
The response code for HTTP connections or 0 for all other connections.
- statusMessage → String
The response message for the response code or
if the response code is 0 or the message could not be determined.- timestamp → Integer
The time stamp of this connection.
- url → String
The URL.
A type containing specifications on which content should be observed.
- connections → Boolean
Enables observation of URL connections done by PDFreactor.
- exceedingContentAgainst → ExceedingContentAgainst
Enables observation of exceeding content either against the page edges, page content areas or containers.
- exceedingContentAnalyze → ExceedingContentAnalyze
Enables observation of exceeding content and optionally of boxes.
- missingResources → Boolean
Enables observation of resources that could not be loaded.
A type containing continuous output data.
- height → Integer
Equivalent to the height of a browser window (view port). For values <1 the entire height of the document is used.
- width → Integer
Equivalent to the width of a browser window (view port). Values <1 enable paginated output.
An object containing cookie data.
- domain → String
The domain attribute of the cookie. If
, the cookie is sent to any domain. Specifying no domain is discouraged since cross-domain cookies are not allowed according to the specification, but PDFreactor supports this behavior anyway to remain backwards compatible.- name → String
The name of the cookie. This property must be set or the cookie is considered invalid.
- path → String
The path attribute of the cookie. If
, the cookie is sent to any path.- secure → Boolean
The secure attribute of the cookie. The default value is
.- value → String
The value of the cookie. This property must be set or the cookie is considered invalid.
A type containing settings of how CSS properties are supported.
- supportQueryMode → CssPropertySupport
Adjusts the CSS property support behavior.
- validationMode → CssPropertySupport
Adjusts the CSS property validation behavior.
A type containing various options for debugging.
- all → Boolean
This is a convenience property that enables the following DebugSettings:
- appendLogs → Boolean
Specifies whether the logs will be appended to the resulting PDF.
- attachConfiguration → Boolean
Specifies whether the configuration will be attached to the generated PDF.
- attachDocuments → Boolean
Specifies whether all debug files belonging to the group "documents" will be attached to the generated PDF. Please see the manual for more information.
- attachLogs → Boolean
Specifies whether all debug files belonging to the group "logs" will be attached to the generated PDF. Please see the manual for more information.
- attachResources → Boolean
Specifies whether all debug files belonging to the group "resources" will be attached to the generated PDF. Please see the manual for more information.
- forceResult → Boolean
Forces PDFreactor to return a result, regardless of any exceptions or errors that may have occurred during the conversion.
If an exception or error occurred during the conversion, its stack trace and the PDFreactor log is written as-is into the result data stream. This means that the resulting document will not be a valid PDF but can be opened with an appropriate text editor to view the log and errors.
- id → String
- The document ID.
- name → String
- The file name representing the document in the ZIP. If the document is a multi-image, you can use the '#' character in the file name as a placeholder for the page number.
A type containing settings related to PDF encryption.
- allowAnnotations → Boolean
Enables or disables the 'annotations' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- allowAssembly → Boolean
Enables or disables the 'assembly' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- allowCopy → Boolean
Enables or disables the 'copy' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- allowDegradedPrinting → Boolean
Enables or disables the 'degraded printing' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- allowModifyContents → Boolean
Enables or disables the 'modify contents' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- allowPrinting → Boolean
Enables or disables the 'printing' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- allowScreenReaders → Boolean
Enables or disables the 'screen readers' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- ownerPassword → String
Sets the owner password of the PDF document.
- type → Encryption
Sets the encryption.
Use one of the Encryption constants to specify the encryption. The default value is Encryption.NONE.
- userPassword → String
Sets the user password of the PDF document.
A type that describes one instance of content exceeding its page or parent.
- bottom → Boolean
Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the bottom.
- box → Boolean
Returns whether the exceeding content is a box instead of text or image content.
- containerBottom → Integer
Returns the bottom coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.
- containerLeft → Integer
Returns the left coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.
- containerRight → Integer
Returns the right coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.
- containerTop → Integer
Returns the top coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page.
- description → String
Returns a description of the content. In case of text content, the text is returned. In case of images the URL is returned if available.
- exceedingBoxBottom → Integer
Returns the bottom coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- exceedingBoxLeft → Integer
Returns the left coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- exceedingBoxRight → Integer
Returns the right coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- exceedingBoxTop → Integer
Returns the top coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- html → String
Returns the HTML of the box that contains the exceeding content.
- left → Boolean
Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the left.
- pageBottom → Integer
Returns the bottom coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- pageLeft → Integer
Returns the left coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- pageNumber → Integer
Returns the number of the page that contains the exceeding content.
- pageRight → Integer
Returns the right coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- pageTop → Integer
Returns the top coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- path → Array<Integer>
Returns an array of integers denoting the indexes of the ancestors of the DOM node corresponding to the box containing the exceeding content, starting from below the root node down to the element itself.
- right → Boolean
Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the right.
- summary → String
Returns a summary of this exceeding content object.
- top → Boolean
Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the top.
A type containing font data.
- bold → Boolean
Whether the alias will be labeled bold.
- family → String
The alias name for that font.
- italic → Boolean
Whether the alias will be labeled italic.
- source → String
The source URL of the font (when adding new fonts) or the name of an existing font family (when creating an alias).
An object containing HTTP authentication credentials data.
- authScheme → HttpAuthScheme
The authentication scheme for which these credentials are intended to be used.
A value of
means any scheme.- host → String
The host for which these credentials are intended to be used.
A value of
means any host.- password → String
The authentication password.
- port → Integer
The port for which these credentials are intended to be used.
A value of
means any port.- protocol → HttpProtocol
The protocol for which these credentials are intended to be used.
A value of
means any protocol.- realm → String
The realm for which these credentials are intended to be used.
A value of
means any realm.- username → String
The authentication user name.
A type containing settings related to inspectable documents.
- enabled → Boolean
Specifies whether to make the document inspectable.
- endPage → Integer
Specifies an optional page number below which the DOM is not inspected.
Page numbers start at 1. The default 0 goes up the last page. Other values are inclusive.
- startPage → Integer
Specifies an optional page number below which the DOM is not inspected.
Page numbers start at 1. The default 0 starts at the first page.
- level → Integer
- The level of the record.
- levelName → String
- The textual representation of the level.
- message → String
- The logged message.
- sourceLocationInfo → SourceLocationInfo
- The logged message.
- timestamp → Integer
- The timestamp.
A type containing settings related to JavaScript.
- debugIndentation → Integer
Specifies the amount of spaces per indentation level when using JavaScript debugging.
The default value is 0.
Note: This setting does not apply to the GraalJS JavaScipt engine.
- debugMode → JavaScriptDebugMode
Specifies the debug mode.
Any other value than the default JavaScriptDebugMode.NONE impacts performance significantly and should not be used in production.
Note: This setting does not apply to the GraalJS JavaScipt engine.
- disabled → Boolean
Specifies whether to not process JavaScript.
- enabled → Boolean
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use JavaScriptSettings.disabled instead.
- ignoreScriptElements → Boolean
Specifies whether to ignore <script> elements in the document, only executing user scripts.
- javaScriptEngine → JavaScriptEngine
Sets the JavaScript engine to be used.
- maxQueuedTasks → Integer
Specifies the maximum amount of tasks to be queued before ending JavaScript processing.
Values of 0 or less default to 1,000,000.
- maxScriptElements → Integer
Specifies the maximum amount of script elements in the document to process.
Values of 0 or less default to 1,000,000.
- maxTasksRepeated → Integer
Specifies the maximum number of times that the same task is allowed to be executed, before ending JavaScript processing.
Values of 0 or less default to 1,000.
Note: This setting does not apply to the GraalJS JavaScipt engine.
- maxTasksWithoutDomChange → Integer
Specifies the maximum amount of tasks to be allowed to be queued, while the DOM does not change, before ending JavaScript processing.
Values of 0 or less default to 1,000.
- maxVirtualTimeOffset → Integer
Specifies the maximum amount of virtual time in seconds to let pass before ending JavaScript processing.
Values of 0 or less default to 3,600 (1h).
- noLayout → Boolean
Specifies whether to process JavaScript without causing document layouts or updates.
This can speed up conversions, but will break a significant amount of functionality and libraries.
- noVirtualTime → Boolean
Specifies whether not to use virtual time for JavaScript.
Only use if required for a specific library.
- statementLimit → Integer
Specifies the maximum amount of JavaScript statements in thousands, which a single task may execute. This limit allows to break out of infinite loops, but setting it too low may abort the conversion process unnecessarily.
When the limit of statements is exceeded, the conversion is aborted with a TimeoutException.
A value of 0 defaults to 1,000,000 (which equates to 1 billion statements per task).
Values smaller than 0 disable the limit.
Note: This setting does not apply to the GraalJS JavaScipt engine.
- timeLapse → Boolean
Specifies whether to fast-forward the virtual time of JavaScript every time it is retrieved.
Only use if required for a specific library.
- timeout → Integer
Sets a timeout in seconds for JavaScript processing If the timeout is exceeded, the conversion will be aborted.
A timeout of 0 or negative values mean that the conversion will never time out. This is also the default behavior if no timeout is specified.
A type containing a key-value-pair.
- key → String
The key.
- value → String
The value.
- records → Array<Record>
- The log records of the main PDFreactor log.
- recordsCss → Array<Record>
- The log records of the PDFreactor CSS log.
- recordsJavaScript → Array<JavaScriptRecord>
- The log records of the PDFreactor JavaScript log.
A type containing data for logging exceeding content.
- logExceedingContentAgainst → ExceedingContentAgainst
Enables logging of exceeding content either against the page edges, page content areas or containers.
- logExceedingContentAnalyze → ExceedingContentAnalyze
Enables logging of exceeding content and optionally of boxes.
A type containing media feature data.
- mediaFeature → MediaFeature
The media feature.
- value → String
The value that is associated with the given media feature.
A type containing settings related to PDF merging.
- disableOverlayAnnotations → Boolean
If set to false, the annotations from the documents to be merged will not be included in the final document.
This is automatically disabled when a Conformance level other than Conformance.PDF is specified
- documents → Array<Resource>
This method sets external PDF documents which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the HTML source.
- mode → MergeMode
Sets the merge mode.
The following merge methods can be used:
- append (MergeMode.APPEND)
- prepend (MergeMode.PREPEND)
- overlay above the content of the generated PDF (MergeMode.OVERLAY)
- overlay below the content of the generated PDF (MergeMode.OVERLAY_BELOW)
The default value is MergeMode.APPEND.
- overlayContentDocument → OverlayContentDocument
Determines whether the converted document or the specified PDF document(s) is the content document for overlaying. The size of each overlaid page is taken from the content document, while the other is fit to that. Also PDF tags, if any, are only taken from the content document.
Use one of the OverlayContentDocument constants to specify the overlay content document. The default value is is OverlayContentDocument.CONVERTED.
- overlayFit → OverlayFit
Determines how overlay pages that have different dimensions from the pages they are overlaying should be resized.
Use one of the OverlayFit constants to specify the overlay fit. The default value is is OverlayFit.FILL.
- overlayRepeat → OverlayRepeat
If one of the documents of an overlay process is shorter than the other, this method allows repeating either its last page or all of its pages in order to overlay all pages of the longer document.
Use one of the OverlayRepeat constants to specify the overlay repeat. The default value is OverlayRepeat.NONE.
A type that describes a missing resource.
- message → String
The message indicating why the resource could not be found.
- resource → String
The resource identifier. Usually a URL string.
- type → ResourceType
The type of resource (style sheet, image, etc.).
An object containing network settings data.
- authenticationCredentials → Array<HttpCredentials>
Enables access to resources that are secured via HTTP authentication.
- connectTimeout → Integer
Sets a timeout in milliseconds for connecting to resources, such as HTTP requests to style sheets, images etc. If the connection could not be established until the timeout expires, the request will be aborted and the resource will not be loaded.
A timeout of 0 means that the connection will not time out. A negative value means that no timeout will be set. The default value is 60000 (1min).
- Specifies the cookie handling policy. By default, the policy is browser-like.
Adds cookies to outgoing HTTP connections.
- readTimeout → Integer
Sets a timeout in milliseconds for reading resources, such as HTTP requests to style sheets, images etc. If the download does not start until the timeout expires, the request will be aborted and the resource will not be loaded.
A timeout of 0 means that the download will not time out. A negative value means that no timeout will be set. The default value is 60000 (1min).
- requestHeaders → Array<KeyValuePair>
Sets request headers to all outgoing HTTP connections. If the key already exists, the pair is overwritten.
A type containing output data.
- height → Integer
The height of the output in pixels (image formats only). Values <1 will be computed based on the specified width and the aspect ratio of the input document.
- multiImage → Boolean
Indicates whether the image output will be written into one separate image per page.
Defaults to true when using PDFreactor.convert
- pixelDensity → Integer
The pixel density of the output (image formats only). When neither 'width' nor 'height' is specified this is used to determine the dimensions of the image from the page size. Values <1 default to 96dpi.
See OutputFormat.pixelDensityUnit for the unit of this value (defaults to DPI).
- pixelDensityUnit → ResolutionUnit
The unit of the pixel density. Defaults to dpi.
- type → OutputType
The output format. See OutputType constants. Defaults to OutputType.PDF.
- width → Integer
The with of the output in pixels (image formats only). Values <1 will be computed based on the specified height and the aspect ratio of the input document.
A type containing data for an output intents.
- data → Binary
The profile data.
- identifier → OutputIntentDefaultProfile | String
The identifier.
- url → String
The profile URL.
A type containing data for pages per sheet properties.
- cols → Integer
The number of columns per sheet.
- direction → PagesPerSheetDirection
The direction in which the pages are ordered on a sheet.
- rows → Integer
The number of rows per sheet.
- sheetMargin → String
The sheet margin as CSS margin, for example
,"1cm 1.5cm"
or"10mm 20mm 10mm 30mm"
is interpreted as"1cm"
.- sheetSize → String
The sheet size as CSS size, for example
,"letter landscape"
,"15in 20in"
or"20cm 30cm"
is interpreted as"A4"
.- spacing → String
The horizontal and vertical space between pages on a sheet as CSS value, for example
or"5mm 2mm"
is interpreted as"1mm"
A type containing PDF script data.
- script → String
The script source that should be executed.
- triggerEvent → PdfScriptTriggerEvent
The event on which the script is executed. Value is a PdfScriptTriggerEvent constant.
- callbackUrl → String
- If this object was created for a callback, this property indicates the callback's URL.
- contentType → String
- The content type of the resulting document as a MIME type string. Depends on what OutputType was set in the Configuration. If none was set, the content type defaults to "application/pdf".
- conversionName → String
- Returns the name of the conversion if it was specified via Configuration.conversionName.
- documentId → String
- The document ID of the conversion. This ID can be used to poll the progress or retrieve the result.
- documentUrl → String
- The relative URL to the location where you can download the generated document once it is finished.
- documentUrls → Array<String>
- The relative URLs to the locations where you can download the generated documents once they are finished.
- finished → Boolean
- Indicates whether the conversion is finished yet.
- log → Log
- The log of the conversion.
- progress → Integer
- The current progress of the conversion. The value is between 0 and 100.
- startDate → Date
- The date and time when the conversion was started on the server.
A type containing quirks settings.
- caseSensitiveClassSelectors → QuirksMode
By default in HTML CSS class selectors are case sensitive.
In the default QuirksMode.DETECT mode this behavior is disabled for old HTML doctypes or when there is no doctype.
To enable or disable it independently of the document this property can be set to QuirksMode.STANDARDS or QuirksMode.QUIRKS respectively.
- minLineHeightFromContainer → QuirksMode
By default the line-height of text containers, e.g. paragraph elements, is used as the minimum line-height of their lines.
In the default QuirksMode.DETECT mode this behavior is disabled for old HTML doctypes or when there is no doctype.
To enable or disable it independently of the document this property can be set to QuirksMode.STANDARDS or QuirksMode.QUIRKS respectively.
- level → Integer
- The level of the record.
- levelName → String
- The textual representation of the level.
- message → String
- The logged message.
- timestamp → Integer
- The timestamp.
A type containing data for external resources such as style sheets.
- beforeDocumentScripts → Boolean
to cause PDFreactor to run the script before all scripts inside the document andfalse
to run it after.Only supported for JavaScript-type resources.
- content → String
The content of the resource. Only supported for Style Sheet- and Script-type resources.
- data → Binary
The binary data of the resource.
- password → String
If this Resource describes a PDF document and this document is protected by an user or owner password, use this method to specify the password the document should be opened with.
- subtype → ResourceSubtype
The subtype of this resource. This is only relevant for properties that distinguish between multiple subtypes of resources with the same type, such as JavaScriptSettings.
- uri → String
The URI of the resource.
- callbackUrl → String
- If this object was created for a callback, this property indicates the callback's URL.
- connections → Array<Connection>
Provides a log about all URL connections attempted by PDFreactor, including information about HTTP request and result, should the connection be an HTTP or HTTPS connection. Depends on the mode set via Configuration.contentObserver.
- contentType → String
- The content type of the resulting document as a MIME type string. Depends on what OutputType was set in the Configuration. If none was set, the content type defaults to "application/pdf".
- conversionName → String
- Returns the name of the conversion if it was specified via Configuration.conversionName.
- document → Binary
The resulting PDF or image.
This is not present if only the document's metadata was retrieved.
Alternatively, the input document can be specified directly as Binary or as Base64-encoded string.- documentArray → Array<Binary>
The resulting image as a collection of separate images, each representing a single page. This property is only present if the configuration option "multiImage" was set to
.This is also not present if only the document's metadata was retrieved.
- documentId → String
- The document ID of the conversion. This ID can be used to poll the progress or retrieve the result.
- documentUrl → String
- The relative URL to the location where you can download the generated document once it is finished.
- documentUrls → Array<String>
- The relative URLs to the locations where you can download the generated documents once they are finished.
- endDate → Date
The date and time when the conversion was finished on the server.
- error → String
Returns the error messages that might have been generated during rendering.
- exceedingContents → Array<ExceedingContent>
Provides information about content exceeding its page or parent. Depends on the mode set via "logExceedingContents".
- javaScriptExports → String
Returns data that has been exported from document JavaScript via
if set,null
otherwise. If the JavaScript data is not a string, it will be converted to JSON. If the data can't be converted, a generic string representation is used ornull
if none is available.- keepDocument → Boolean
Indicates whether or not the
property was set in theConfiguration
of this conversion. Iftrue
, additional requests can be made to retrieve this document.- log → Log
Returns the log messages generated during rendering based on the log level.
- missingResources → Array<MissingResource>
Provides information about resources that could not be loaded during the conversion. Depends on the mode set via Configuration.contentObserver.
- numberOfPages → Integer
Returns the number of pages of the document after conversion.
- numberOfPagesLiteral → Integer
Returns the number of pages of the resulting PDF (including, e.g., merge operations), otherwise it will return the number pages of the laid out input document.
- startDate → Date
- The date and time when the conversion was started on the server.
A type containing settings for segmenting input documents.
- enabled → Boolean
Enables or disables segmentation.
- segmentSize → Integer
The preferred size (in number of pages) of the segments into which the conversion will be split.
Valid values range from 10 to 1000. Values of 0 or less default to 1,000.
A type containing data for signing the PDF.
- keyAlias → String
The alias of the certificate included in the keystore to be used to sign the PDF.
- keyPassword → String
The password for the certificate included in the keystore to be used to sign the PDF.
If none is provided, the keystore password will be used for the certificate.
- keystorePassword → String
The password of the keystore.
- keystoreType → KeystoreType
The format of the keystore, for example PKCS #12 or JKS. Use one of the KeystoreType constants as value.
- keystoreURL → String
The URL to the keystore file.
- signingMode → SigningMode
The cryptographic filter mode that is used to sign the PDF, like SELF_SIGNED, VERISIGN_SIGNED or WINCER_SIGNED.
Use one of the SigningMode constants as value.
- columnEnd → Integer
The end column. A value of zero indicates that the exact column could not be determined.
- columnStart → Integer
The start column. A value of zero indicates that the exact column could not be determined.
- context → String
The context relative to the source, or
if its the top level context. Can also indicate an element with an appropriate attribute.- lineEnd → Integer
The end line. A value of zero indicates that the exact line could not be determined.
- lineStart → Integer
The start line. A value of zero indicates that the exact line could not be determined.
- snippet → String
An excerpt of the code that caused the log record.
- source → String
The source script file or user script.
A type containing various options for debugging.
- pattern → String
The regular expression pattern which is matched against each URL.
Note that the URLs are always absolute. If they are initially relative in the document or other resources, they are resolved.
- substitution → String
If a URL matches the UrlRewriteRule.pattern, it is replaced by this substitution. Since the pattern is a regular expression, the substitution can include group identifiers or back references.
A type containing various options for URL rewrites.
- rules → Array<UrlRewriteRule>
The rules according to which URLs are rewritten.
- build → Integer
- The build number.
- label → String
- The label of the version.
- major → Integer
- The major version.
- micro → Integer
- The micro version.
- minor → Integer
- The minor version.
- revision → String
- The revision number.
- text → String
- The version as text.
A type containing XMP data.
- content → String
XMP, as an XML string, to be embedded into the PDF document.
- priority → XmpPriority
Priority of this XMP over XMP generated automatically for the conformance requirements of certain output formats.
- uri → String
URI to XMP to be embedded into the PDF document, if Xmp.content is not set or
An enum containing IP address types.
Link-local addresses or auto-IPs.
Localhost addresses, including "localhost" or "".
Private network addresses.
Public internet addresses.
An enum containing callback type constants.
This callback is called when the conversion is finished.
- Allowed content types: ContentType.JSON, ContentType.XML, ContentType.TEXT.
- Payload model:
. The object returned will only contain the metadata, not the document data. The document has to be retrieved actively from the server. If the content type is ContentType.TEXT, only the document ID will be posted.
This callback is called regularly to inform on the progress of the conversion.
- Allowed content types: ContentType.JSON, ContentType.XML, ContentType.TEXT.
- Payload model:
. If the content type is ContentType.TEXT, only the progress percentage will be posted. - Interval property applies.
This callback is called when the conversion is started.
- Allowed content types: ContentType.JSON, ContentType.XML, ContentType.TEXT.
- Payload model:
. If the content type is ContentType.TEXT, only the document ID will be posted.
An enum containing cleanup constants.
Indicates that the CyberNeko HTML parser will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
Indicates that JTidy will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
Indicates that no cleanup will be performed when loading a document. If the loaded document is not well-formed, an exception will be thrown.
Indicates that tagsoup will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
An enum containing color conversion intent constants.
Perform perceptive color conversions.
Perform relative colorimetric color conversions.
An enum containing color space constants.
The color space CMYK.
The color space RGB.
An enum containing conformance constants.
PDF with no additional restrictions (default)
PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level A)
PDF/A-1a + PDF/UA-1 (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level A + ISO 14289-1:2014)
PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level B)
PDF/A-2a (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level A)
PDF/A-2a + PDF/UA-1 (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level A + ISO 14289-1:2014)
PDF/A-2b (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level B)
PDF/A-2u (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level U)
PDF/A-3a (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level A)
PDF/A-3a + PDF/UA-1 (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level A + ISO 14289-1:2014)
PDF/A-3b (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level B)
PDF/A-3u (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level U)
PDF/UA-1 (ISO 14289-1:2014)
- PDFX1A_2001
PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1:2001)
- PDFX1A_2003
PDF/X-1a:2003 (ISO 15930-4:2003)
- PDFX3_2002
PDF/X-3:2002 (ISO 15930-3:2002)
- PDFX3_2003
PDF/X-3:2003 (ISO 15930-6:2003)
PDF/X-4 (ISO 15930-7:2008)
PDF/X-4p (ISO 15930-7:2008)
An enum containing security rule action constants.
Allows connections to resources matching the rule.
Denies connections to resources matching the rule.
An enum containing content type constants.
Content type BINARY, corresponds with "application/octet-stream" MIME type.
Content type BMP, corresponds with "image/bmp" MIME type.
Content type GIF, corresponds with "image/gif" MIME type.
Content type HTML, corresponds with "text/html" MIME type.
Content type JPEG, corresponds with "image/jpeg" MIME type.
Content type JSON, corresponds with "application/json" MIME type.
Content type NONE, i.e. no content.
Content type PDF, corresponds with "application/pdf" MIME type.
Content type PNG, corresponds with "image/png" MIME type.
Content type TEXT, corresponds with "text/plain" MIME type.
Content type TIFF, corresponds with "image/tiff" MIME type.
Content type XML, corresponds with "application/xml" MIME type.
An enum containing cookie policy constants.
Disables cookie handling entirely. Cookies specified in the API are still sent, but server cookies are rejected.
A standard-compliant cookie policy that ignores date issues. This is the default value.
A strict standard-compliant cookie policy.
An enum containing CSS property support mode constants.
Indicates that all style declarations are considered valid disregarding the possibility of improper rendering.
Valid values may be overwritten by invalid style declarations.
Indicates that all values set in style declarations will be validated as long as PDFreactor supports the corresponding property.
Style declarations for properties not supported by PDFreactor are taken as invalid.
Indicates that all values set in style declarations will be validated as long as PDFreactor supports the corresponding property.
Style declarations for properties not supported by PDFreactor but by third party products are taken as valid.
Indicates that all values set in style declarations will be taken as valid if a third party product supports the corresponding property.
Style declarations for properties not supported by any third party product but supported by PDFreactor will be validated.
An enum containing document type constants.
Indicates that the document type will be detected automatically. When the document has a file extension, it is used to determine whether the document is Doctype.HTML5 or Doctype.XHTML. If there is no file extension or it is unknown, then the document content itself is searched for an XML declaration, a doctype preamble and the root element.
Indicates that the document type will be set to HTML5. The HTML default style sheet is used and the document is loaded regarding style elements, style attributes and link stylesheets.
Indicates that the document type will be set to XHTML. The HTML default style sheet is used and the document is loaded regarding style elements, style attributes and link stylesheets.
Indicates that the document type will be set to generic XML. No default style sheet is used and the document is loaded as is without regards to style elements or attributes.
An enum containing encryption constants.
- AES_128
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using AES 128 bit encryption.
- AES_256
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using AES 256 bit encryption.
Indicates that the document will not be encrypted. If encryption is disabled then no user password and no owner password can be used.
- RC4_128
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 128 bit encryption.
- RC4_40
Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 40 bit encryption.
- TYPE_128
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use Encryption.RC4_128 instead.
- TYPE_40
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use Encryption.RC4_40 instead.
An enum containing error policies.
Whether an exception should be thrown when the PDF's conformance was not validated even though Configuration.validateConformance was enabled. Now exceptions will be thrown if the validation module is not available or the conformance format is not fully supported for validation.
Use this policy only if you exclusively convert documents where validation is supported and strictly required.
Whether exceptions occurring when trying to merge invalid documents (e.g. encrypted documents for which no owner password or an invalid password was supplied) should be ignored.
Use this policy if the conversion should proceed even if one or more documents that should be merged are invalid. They will be omitted from the final PDF.
Whether an exception should be thrown when no legal full license key is set. This allows to programmatically ensure that documents are not altered due to license issues.
Whether an exception should be thrown when resources could not be loaded.
Whether an exception should be thrown when there are uncaught exceptions in the input document JavaScript, including syntax error.
Whether an exception should be thrown when an event of level LogLevel.WARN is logged.
An enum containing constants for logging exceeding content against.
Do not log exceeding content.
Log content exceeding the edges of its page.
Log content exceeding its page content area (overlaps the page margin).
Log content exceeding its container.
An enum containing constants for analyzing exceeding content.
Log exceeding content.
Log exceeding content and all boxes.
Log exceeding content and boxes without absolute positioning.
Do not log exceeding content.
An enum containing HTTP authentication scheme constants.
This constant indicates that the credentials are to be used for any authentication scheme. This is the default value.
BASIC authentication.
DIGEST authentication.
Kerberos authentication.
Windows NTLM authentication.
Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism.
An enum containing HTTP protocol constants.
This constant indicates that the credentials are to be used for any HTTP protocol.
HTTP only.
HTTPS only.
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use SecuritySettings.trustAllConnectionCertificates instead.
Indicates lenient HTTPS behavior. This means that many certificate issues are ignored.
Indicates strict HTTPS behavior. This matches the default behavior of Java.
An enum containing JavaScript debug mode constants.
Indicates that all exceptions thrown during JavaScript processing are logged in addition to the effects of POSITIONS.
Indicates that all JavaScript functions entered or exited are logged in addition to the effects of POSITIONS and EXCEPTIONS.
Indicates that every line of executed JavaScript is logged in addition to the effects of POSITIONS, EXCEPTIONS and FUNCTIONS.
Indicates that debugging is disabled.
Indicates that the filenames and line numbers that caused output (e.g. via console.log) are logged.
An enum containing JavaScript engines.
GraalVM JavaScript engine
Rhino JavaScript engine
An enum containing keystore type constants.
Keystore type "jks".
- PKCS12
Keystore type "pkcs12".
An enum containing log level constants.
Indicates that debug, info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
Indicates that only error log events will be logged.
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use LogLevel.ERROR instead.
Indicates that info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
Indicates that no log events will be logged.
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 12. Use LogLevel.TRACE instead.
Indicates that all log events will be logged.
Indicates that warn and fatal log events will be logged.
An enum containing media feature constants.
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing whether any available input mechanism allows the user to hover over elements.
The default value is "none".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing whether any available input mechanism is a pointing device, and if so, how accurate is it.
The default value is "none".
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page content.
By default, this value is computed using the values of MediaFeature.WIDTH and MediaFeature.HEIGHT. Setting a specific value does override the computed value.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per color component.
Default value is 8, except if the output is forced to be grayscale, in which case it is 0.
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing the approximate range of colors that are supported by the UA and output device.
The default value is "srgb".
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of entries in the color lookup table.
Default value is 0, except if the output format is "gif" in which case it is 256.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page.
By default, this value is computed using the values of MediaFeature.DEVICE_WIDTH and MediaFeature.DEVICE_HEIGHT. Setting a specific value does override the computed value.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the height of the page.
The default height is that of a DIN A4 page (297mm).
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the width of the page.
The default width is that of a DIN A4 page (210mm).
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) representing how a web application is being presented within the context of an OS.
The default value is "fullscreen".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) representing the combination of max brightness, color depth, and contrast ratio that are supported by the user agent and output device.
The default value is "standard".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) that is used to query the characteristics of the user's display so the author can adjust the style of the document.
The default value is "opaque".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) indicates whether the user-agent enforces a limited color palette.
The default value is "none".
CSS 3 Media Feature defining whether the output is grid-based.
Default value 0, as PDFs are not grid-based.
CSS 3 Media Feature height of page content.
The default height is that of a DIN A4 page with 2cm margin (257mm).
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) that describes the number of logical segments of the viewport in the horizontal direction.
The default value is "1".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing whether the primary input mechanism allows the user to hover over elements.
The default value is "none".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) indicating whether the content is displayed normally, or whether colors have been inverted.
The default value is "none".
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer.
Default value is 0, if the output format is not monochrome.
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) allowing authors to know whether the user agent is providing obviously discoverable navigation controls as part of its user interface.
The default value is "none".
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the page orientation.
By default, this value is computed using the values of MediaFeature.WIDTH and MediaFeature.HEIGHT. Setting a specific value does override the computed value.
Valid values are "portrait" or "landscape".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing the behavior of the device when content overflows the initial containing block in the block axis.
The default value is "page", except if an image output was set to continuous, in which case it is "none".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing the behavior of the device when content overflows the initial containing block in the inline axis.
The default value is "none".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing whether the primary input mechanism is a pointing device, and if so, how accurate is it.
The default value is "none".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) reflecting the user's desire that the page use a light or dark color theme.
The default value is "light".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) used to detect if the user has requested more or less contrast in the page.
The default value is "no-preference".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) used to detect if the user has a preference for being served alternate content that uses less data for the page to be rendered.
The default value is "no-preference".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) used to detect if the user has requested the system minimize the amount of animation or motion it uses.
The default value is "reduce".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) used to detect if the user has requested the system minimize the amount of transparent or translucent layer effects it uses.
The default value is "no-preference".
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the resolution of the output device.
This also defines the value of the
property available from JavaScript.Default value is 300dpi.
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 4) describing the scanning process of some output devices.
The default value is "progressive".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) used to query whether scripting languages, such as JavaScript, are supported on the current document.
The default value is "initial-only" if JavaScript has been enabled or "none" otherwise.
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) used to query the ability of the output device to modify the appearance of content once it has been rendered.
The default value is "none".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) that describes the number of logical segments of the viewport in the vertical direction.
The default value is "1".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) describing the approximate range of colors that are supported by the UA and output device's video plane.
The default value is "srgb".
CSS Media Feature (Media Queries Level 5) representing the combination of max brightness, color depth, and contrast ratio that are supported by the UA and output device's video plane.
The default value is "standard".
CSS 3 Media Feature width of page content.
The default width is that of a DIN A4 page with 2cm margin (170mm).
An enum containing merge mode constants.
Default merge mode: Append converted document to existing PDF.
Advanced merge mode: Allows to insert specific pages from existing PDFs into the converted document.
This is done via a special syntax of Configuration.pageOrder.
Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document above the existing PDF.
Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document below the existing PDF.
Alternate merge mode: Prepend converted document to existing PDF.
An enum containing default profiles for output intents.
"Coated FOGRA39" output intent default profile.
"Coated GRACoL 2006" output intent default profile.
"ISO News print 26% (IFRA)" output intent default profile.
"Japan Color 2001 Coated" output intent default profile.
"Japan Color 2001 Newspaper" output intent default profile.
"Japan Color 2001 Uncoated" output intent default profile.
"Japan Web Coated (Ad)" output intent default profile.
"US Web Coated (SWOP) v2" output intent default profile.
- SWOP_3
"Web Coated SWOP 2006 Grade 3 Paper" output intent default profile.
An enum containing output format constants.
BMP output format.
GIF output format.
JPEG output format, with dithering applied.
JPEG output format.
PDF output format.
PNG output format.
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use OutputType.PNG instead.
Transparent PNG output format.
Deprecated as of PDFreactor 11. Use OutputType.PNG_TRANSPARENT instead.
Monochrome CCITT 1D/RLE compressed TIFF output format.
Monochrome CCITT 1D/RLE compressed TIFF output format, with dithering applied.
Monochrome CCITT Group 3/T.4 compressed TIFF output format.
Monochrome CCITT Group 3/T.4 compressed TIFF output format, with dithering applied.
Monochrome CCITT Group 4/T.6 compressed TIFF output format.
Monochrome CCITT Group 4/T.6 compressed TIFF output format, with dithering applied.
LZW compressed TIFF output format.
PackBits compressed TIFF output format.
Uncompressed TIFF output format.
An enum containing constants that determines whether the converted document or the specified PDF document(s) is the content document for overlaying.
The converted HTML document will be the content document.
The PDF document(s) indicated in the MergeSettings "documents", appended to each other if there are multiple ones, will be the content document.
An enum containing data to configure how overlay pages that have different dimensions from the pages they are overlaying should be resized.
The page keeps its aspect ratio, but is resized to fit within the given dimension.
The page keeps its aspect ratio and fills the given dimension. It will be clipped to fit.
The default. The page is resized to fill the given dimension. If necessary, the page will be stretched or squished to fit.
The page is not resized. If necessary it will be clipped to fit.
An enum containing data for repeating overlays.
All pages of the shorter document are repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document.
Last page of the shorter document is repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document.
No pages of the shorter document are repeated, leaving some pages of the longer document without overlay.
The resulting PDF is trimmed to the number of pages of the shorter document.
An enum containing pre-defined page orders.
Page order mode to arrange all pages in booklet order. To be used with PagesPerSheetDirection.RIGHT_DOWN.
Page order mode to arrange all pages in right-to-left booklet order. To be used with PagesPerSheetDirection.RIGHT_DOWN.
Page order mode to keep even pages only.
Page order mode to keep odd pages only.
Page order mode to reverse the page order.
An enum containing constants for pages per sheet directions.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and right to left.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and left to right.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and top to bottom.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and bottom to top.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and top to bottom.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and bottom to top.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and right to left.
Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and left to right.
An enum containing trigger events for PDF scripts.
This event is triggered after the PDF has been printed by the viewer application.
This event is triggered after the PDF has been saved by the viewer application.
This event is triggered before the PDF is printed by the viewer application.
This event is triggered before the PDF is saved by the viewer application.
This event is triggered when the PDF is closed by the viewer application.
This event is triggered when the PDF is opened in the viewer application.
An enum containing constants for processing preferences.
Processing preferences flag for the memory saving mode for images.
An enum containing modes for Quirks.
Doctype dependent behavior.
Forced quirks behavior.
Forced no-quirks behavior.
An enum containing resolution units.
Dots per inch. The default 1dppx/96dpi in this unit is about 38.
Dots per Inch. The default 1dppx/96dpi in this unit is 96.
Dots per 'px' unit. The default 1dppx/96dpi in this unit is 1.
Thousand dots per centimeter. The default 1dppx/96dpi in this unit is about 37795.
Thousand dots per inch. The default 1dppx/96dpi in this unit is 96000.
Thousand dots per 'px' unit. The default 1dppx/96dpi in this unit is 1000.
An enum containing resource sub type constants.
Indicates a "classic" (non-module) JavaScript. Used for resources of type ResourceType.SCRIPT.
Indicates a JavaScript import map. Used for resources of type ResourceType.SCRIPT.
Indicates a JavaScript module. Used for resources of type ResourceType.SCRIPT.
Indicates the type of resource.
An attachment.
- The main HTML or XML document.
A font.
An ICC profile.
An iframe.
An image.
The license key.
A merge document.
An embedded object.
A running document.
A script.
A style sheet.
An unknown resource type.
- An XMLHttpRequest.
An enum containing the cryptographic filter type that is used for signing.
The self signed filter: PDFreactor creates a signature with the adbe.x509.rsa_sha1 (PKCS#1) filter type.
The VeriSign filter. PDFreactor creates a signature with VeriSign filter type.
The Windows Certificate Security: PDFreactor creates a signature with the adbe.pkcs7.sha1 (PKCS#7) filter type.
An enum containing constants for viewer preferences.
Position the document's window in the center of the screen.
Position pages in ascending order from left to right.
Position pages in ascending order from right to left.
Display the document's title in the top bar.
Print dialog default setting: duplex (long edge).
Print dialog default setting: duplex (short edge).
Print dialog default setting: simplex.
Resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
Hide the viewer application's menu bar when the document is active.
Hide the viewer application's tool bars when the document is active.
Hide user interface elements in the document's window.
Show no panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
Show optional content group panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
Show bookmarks panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
Show thumbnail images panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
Display the pages in one column.
Display one page at a time (default).
Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the left.
Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the right.
Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the left.
Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the right.
Switch to fullscreen mode on startup.
Show attachments panel on startup.
Show no panel on startup.
Show optional content group panel on startup.
Show bookmarks panel on startup.
Show thumbnail images panel on startup.
Print dialog default setting: do not pick tray by PDF size.
Print dialog default setting: pick tray by PDF size.
Print dialog default setting: set scaling to application default value.
Print dialog default setting: disabled scaling.
An enum containing the priority for XMP.
Embed XMP ignoring requirements of the output format.
This may cause output PDFs to not achieve a specified conformance.
Embed XMP if the output format does not have XMP requirements.
Do not embed XMP.