PDFreactor SOAP Client API Documentation
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<web:Configuration xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
This class contains all options related to the PDF or image conversion. Only document is required, all other configuration settings are optional.
- <web:addAttachments xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables attachments specified in style sheets.
The default value is
.- <web:addBookmarks xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables bookmarks in the PDF document.
The default value isfalse
.- <web:addComments xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables comments in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:addLinks xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables links in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:addOverprint xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables overprinting.
The default value is
.- <web:addPreviewImages xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables embedding of image previews per page in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:addTags xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables tagging of the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowAnnotations xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'annotations' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowAssembly xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'assembly' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowCopy xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'copy' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowDegradedPrinting xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'degraded printing' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowFillIn xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'fill in' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowModifyContents xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'modify contents' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowPrinting xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'printing' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:allowScreenReaders xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables the 'screen readers' restriction in the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:appendLog xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Specifies whether or not the log data should be added to the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:attachments xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Attachment0Unbounded Adds a file attachment to PDF document.
- <web:authenticationCredentials xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
KeyValuePair01 Enables access to resources that are secured via Basic or Digest authentication.
Sets the value of the author field of the PDF document.
- <web:baseURL xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the base URL of the document.
To resolve relative URLs to absolute URLs a reference (base) URL is required. This reference URL is usually the system id of the document.
This method can be used to specify another reference URL. If this URL is not
then it will be used instead of the system id.The default value is
.- <web:bookletMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
BookletMode01 Convenience method to set pages-per-sheet properties and page order in one step to create a booklet.
- <web:cleanupTool xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Cleanup01 Sets the cleanup tool to use for documents with unparsable content.
constants can be used as value. The default value specified is Cleanup.CYBERNEKO.The cleanup tool is only used for Doctype.XHTML. HTML5 utilizes an internal cleanup.
- <web:conformance xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Conformance01 Sets the conformance of the PDF.
constants can be used as value. The default value specified is Conformance.PDF.- <web:continuousOutput xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ContinuousOutput01 - Enables the conversion of the input document into one image.
- <web:conversionName xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets a name for the conversion. If a name is set, it will be logged at level "info". The name can be an arbitrary string but should be unique for every conversion or application so that the log output can be matched to a specific conversion or application later.
Adds a cookie to all outgoing HTTP connections. The parameters are URL encoded (see rawCookies). If the key already exists, the pair is overwritten.
- <web:creator xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the value of creator field of the PDF document.
- <web:customDocumentProperties xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
KeyValuePair0Unbounded Adds a custom property to the PDF document. An existing property of the same name will be replaced.
- <web:defaultColorSpace xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ColorSpace01 Sets whether to convert color key words to CMYK instead of RGB.
constants can be used as value. The default value specified is ColorSpace.RGB.- <web:disableFontEmbedding xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Sets whether fonts will not be embedded into the resulting PDF. Setting this to true will reduce the file size of the output document. However, the resulting PDF documents are no longer guaranteed to look identical on all systems.
The default value is
.- <web:document xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String1 - The input document. This can either be an URL, XML or HTML source code or a binary.
- <web:documentDefaultLanguage xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the language used for documents having no explicit language attribute set.
The language code is used to resolve the lang() selector correct and to determine the correct language used for hyphenation.- <web:documentType xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Doctype01 Sets the document type.
constants can be used to specify the document type. The default value specified is Doctype.AUTODETECT.- <web:enableDebugMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Enables debug mode, which adds additional information to the output.
- <web:encoding xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the encoding of the document.
If this value is set to
or it is empty then the encoding will be detected automatically.The default value is
.- <web:encryption xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Encryption01 Sets the encryption.
Use one of the
constants to specify the encryption. The default value is Encryption.NONE.- <web:fontAliases xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Font0Unbounded Registers an alias font family for an existing font.
This function is limited to fonts loaded automatically from system folders.
- <web:fontFallback xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String0Unbounded Sets a list of fallback font families used for character substitution. This list is iterated for characters that can not be displayed with any of the fonts specified via the CSS property
.- <web:fonts xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Font0Unbounded Loads a font from a URL which can be used via the CSS property
.- <web:fullCompression xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables full compression of the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:httpsMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
HttpsMode01 Sets the HTTPS mode. In closed environment lenient can be the preferred setting to avoid HTTPS issues that are not security critical
The default value specified is HttpsMode.STRICT.
- <web:ignoreAlpha xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Sets whether the alpha value of CSS RGBA colors is ignored. This can be used to avoid conformance issues in PDF/A-1.
- <web:integrationStyleSheets xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Resource0Unbounded Adds an integration style sheet to the document.
There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
- Specifying the style sheet only using an URI.
- Specifying the style sheet by the content of the style sheet and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
- <web:javaScriptMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
JavaScriptMode01 Sets the JavaScript Mode.
The default value specified is JavaScriptMode.DISABLED.
- <web:keepDocument xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - If set to
prevents the document from being deleted from the PDFreactor Web Service after it has been accessed. This only works for asynchronous conversions. - <web:keywords xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the value of the keywords field of the PDF document.
- <web:licenseKey xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - Sets the license key using a string. If the license key is set
then PDFreactor looks for a 'licensekey.xml' file in the same directory where the 'PDFreactor.jar' file is located. If no license key could be found then PDFreactor runs in evaluation mode.The default value is
. - <web:logExceedingContent xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
LogExceedingContent01 Whether to log content exceeding the page.
constants to specify which kind of content should be observed for exceeding content logging. The default value is ExceedingContentAnalyze.NONE.Use
constants to specify that exceeding this content starts exceeding content logging. The default value is ExceedingContentAgainst.NONE.- <web:logLevel xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
LogLevel01 Sets the log level.
Use one of the
constants to specify the log level.The default value is LogLevel.NONE.
- <web:mediaFeatureValues xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
MediaFeatureValue0Unbounded - Defines the value of a Media Feature which is used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
- <web:mediaTypes xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String0Unbounded Sets the media types that are used to resolve CSS3 media queries.
Please note that this overrides the default media types of PDFreactor, which are:
print, paged, visual, bitmap, static, -ro-pdfreactor
- <web:mergeByteArray xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Base6401 This method sets a byte array containing an external PDF document which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
- <web:mergeByteArrays xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Base640Unbounded This method sets an array of byte arrays that contain multiple external PDFs which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
- <web:mergeMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
MergeMode01 Sets the merge mode.
The following merge methods can be used:
- append (MergeMode.APPEND)
- prepend (MergeMode.PREPEND)
- overlay above the content of the generated PDF (MergeMode.OVERLAY)
- overlay below the content of the generated PDF (MergeMode.OVERLAY_BELOW)
The default value is MergeMode.APPEND.
- <web:mergeURL xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 This method sets a URL of an external PDF document which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
- <web:mergeURLs xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String0Unbounded This method sets an array of URLs of external PDF documents which will be merged with the PDF document generated by the XML source.
- <web:outputFormat xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
OutputFormat01 - Sets the output format. The default value is
. For image formats the width or height in pixels must be specified. When either dimension is <1 it is computed based on the other dimension and the aspect ratio of the input document. - <web:outputIntent xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
OutputIntent01 Sets the output intent including the identifier and the ICC profile to be embedded into the PDF.
Set either the profile URL or the profile data, not both. Certain PDF/X formats require neither, just a known identifier.
- <web:overlayRepeat xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
OverlayRepeat01 If one of the documents of an overlay process is shorter than the other, this method allows repeating either its last page or all of its pages in order to overlay all pages of the longer document.
Use one of the
constants to specify the overlay repeat. The default value is OverlayRepeat.NONE.- <web:ownerPassword xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the owner password of the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:pageOrder xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
["String","PageOrder"]01 Sets the page order of the direct result of the conversion.
If mergeMode is set to MergeMode.ARRANGE, this method is also used to specify the position of inserted pages from an existing PDF.
A description of the syntax can be found in the manual.
- <web:pagesPerSheetProperties xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
PagesPerSheetProperties01 Sets the properties of a sheet on which multiple pages are being arranged.
is less than 1, no pages-per-sheet processing is done. This is the case by default.Use one of the
constants to specify the the direction. The default value is PagesPerSheetDirection.RIGHT_DOWN.- <web:pdfScriptAction xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
PdfScriptAction0Unbounded Sets a pair of trigger event and PDF script. The script is triggered on the specified event.
A PDF script is JavaScript that is executed by a PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Reader). Note that most viewers do not support this feature.
PDF Scripts can also be set by using the proprietary CSS property
. More information on this property can be found in the manual.Please note, that scripts set via CSS have a higher priority. If two scripts are registered on the same event, but one via API and the other via the CSS property, the script set in the CSS will override the other one.
- <web:pixelsPerInch xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 Sets the pixels per inch.
Changing this value changes the physical length of sizes specified in px (including those specified via HTML attributes).
The default value is
.- <web:pixelsPerInchShrinkToFit xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Whether the pixels per inch should be adapted automatically to avoid content exceeding pages.
- <web:postTransformationDocumentType xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Doctype01 Sets the document type after the XSL-Transformations have been applied.
constants can be used to specify the document type. The default value specified is Doctype.AUTODETECT.- <web:printDialogPrompt xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables a print dialog to be shown upon opening the generated PDF document by a PDF viewer.
The default value is
.- <web:processingPreferences xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ProcessingPreferences0Unbounded Preferences that influence the conversion process without changing the output
Use the
constants to specify the processing preferences. By default no processing preference is set.- <web:rawCookies xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
KeyValuePair0Unbounded Adds a cookie to all outgoing HTTP connections. The parameters are not URL encoded (see cookies). If the key already exists, the pair is overwritten.
- <web:requestHeaders xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
KeyValuePair0Unbounded Adds a request header to all outgoing HTTP connections. If the key already exists, the pair is overwritten.
- <web:resourceRequestTimeout xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 Sets a timeout in milliseconds for requests to resources, such as HTTP requests to style sheets, images etc. If the server does not respond until the timeout, the request will be aborted and the resource will not be loaded.
A timeout of 0 means that the request will not time out. A negative value means that no timeout will be set. The default value is 60000 (1min).
- <web:signPDF xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
SignPDF01 Sets a digital certificate to sign the newly created PDF.
Requires a keystore file. The included certificate may be self-signed.
Use the
constants to specify the keystore type.Use the
constants to specify the signing mode.- <web:subject xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the value of the subject field of the PDF document.
- <web:throwLicenseExceptions xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Whether an exception should be thrown when no legal full license key is set. This allows to programmatically ensure that documents are not altered due to license issues.
The default value is
.- <web:title xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the value of the title field of the PDF document.
- <web:userPassword xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Sets the user password of the PDF document.
The default value is
.- <web:userScripts xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ScriptResource0Unbounded Adds an user script to the document.
There are two ways to specify the script:
- Specifying the script only by an URI.
- Specifying the script by the content of the script and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
- <web:userStyleSheets xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Resource0Unbounded Adds a user style sheet to the document.
There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
- Specifying the style sheet only using an URI.
- Specifying the style sheet by the content of the style sheet and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
- <web:viewerPreferences xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ViewerPreferences0Unbounded Sets the page layout and page mode preferences of the PDF.
Use the
constants to specify the viewer preferences. By default no viewer preference is set.- <web:xmp xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Xmp01 Sets custom XMP to be embedded into the PDF document.
If bothcontent
are set tonull
no custom XMP is embedded. Ifpriority
is also set to XmpPriority.HIGH automatic generation of required XMP is also suppressed. This may cause output PDFs to not archive a specified conformance.- <web:xsltMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 Enables or disables XSLT transformations.
Set this value to
to enable XSLT transformations or tofalse
to disable XSLT transformations.The default value is
.- <web:xsltStyleSheets xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Resource0Unbounded Adds an XSLT style sheet to the document.
There are two ways to specify the style sheet:
- Specifying the style sheet only by an URI.
- Specifying the style sheet by the content of the style sheet and alternatively setting a URI to resolve relative elements. If no URI is specified then the system id/base URL of the document will be used.
<web:ExceedingContent xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:bottom xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the bottom.
- <web:box xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Returns whether the exceeding content is a box instead of text or image content.
- <web:containerBottom xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the bottom coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page
- <web:containerLeft xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the left coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page
- <web:containerRight xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the right coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page
- <web:containerTop xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the top coordinate of the the container box in the page in pixels. Depending on the settings this box may be the page
- <web:description xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - Returns a description of the content. In case of text content, the text is returned. In case of images the URL is returned if available.
- <web:exceedingBoxBottom xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the bottom coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- <web:exceedingBoxLeft xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the left coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- <web:exceedingBoxRight xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the right coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- <web:exceedingBoxTop xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the top coordinate of the the exceeding box in the page in pixels.
- <web:html xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - Returns the HTML of the box that contains the exceeding content.
- <web:left xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the left.
- <web:pageBottom xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the bottom coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- <web:pageLeft xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the left coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- <web:pageNumber xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the number of the page that contains the exceeding content.
- <web:pageRight xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the right coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- <web:pageTop xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Returns the top coordinate of the the page in pixels.
- <web:path xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer0Unbounded - Returns an array of integers denoting the indexes of the ancestors of the DOM node corresponding to the box containing the exceeding content, starting from below the root node down to the element itself.
- <web:right xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Returns whether the content exceeds the page to the right.
- <web:summary xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - Returns a summary of this exceeding content object.
- <web:top xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Returns whether the content exceeds the page at the top.
<web:Log xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:records xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Record0Unbounded - The log records.
<web:Progress xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:finished xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Indicated whether the conversion is finished yet.
- <web:log xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Log01 - The log of the conversion.
- <web:progress xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The current progress of the conversion. The value is between 0 and 100.
<web:Record xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:level xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The level of the record.
- <web:message xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The logged message.
- <web:timestamp xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The timestamp.
<web:Result xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:document xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Base641 The resulting PDF or image as base64 encoded String.
- <web:documentArray xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Base640Unbounded The resulting PDF or image as an array of base64 encoded Strings. This property is only present if the configuration option "asArray" was set to
- <web:error xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 Returns the error messages that might have been generated during rendering.
- <web:exceedingContents xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ExceedingContent0Unbounded Provides information about content exceeding its page or parent. Depends on the mode set via "logExceedingContents".
- <web:log xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Log01 Returns the log messages generated during rendering based on the log level.
- <web:numberOfPages xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 Returns the number of pages of the document after conversion.
- <web:numberOfPagesLiteral xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 Returns the number of pages of the resulting PDF (including, e.g., merge operations), otherwise it will return the number pages of the laid out input document.
<web:Version xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:build xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The build number
- <web:major xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The major version.
- <web:micro xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The micro version
- <web:minor xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The minor version
- <web:revision xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The revision number
<web:Attachment xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:data xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Base6401 - The binary content of the attachment. May be
. - <web:url xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - If
, the attachment will be retrieved from thisURL
. If this is "#" the input document URL is used instead. - <web:name xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The file name associated with the attachment. It is recommended to specify
the correct file extension. If this is
the name is derived from theURL
. - <web:description xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The description of the attachment. If this is
is used.
<web:BookletMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:sheetSize xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The size of the sheet as CSS value, e.g.
,letter landscape
,15in 20in
,20cm 30cm
. - <web:sheetMargin xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The sheet margin as CSS margin value, e.g.
,1cm 1.5cm
,10mm 20mm 10mm 30mm
is interpreted as0mm
. - <web:rtl xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Whether or not the reading order of the booklet should be right-to-left.
<web:ContinuousOutput xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:width xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Equivalent to the width of a browser window (view port). Values <1 enable paginated output.
- <web:height xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - Equivalent to the height of a browser window (view port). For values <1 the entire height of the document is used.
<web:Font xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:source xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The name of an existing font family.
- <web:family xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The alias name for that font.
- <web:bold xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Whether the alias will be labeled bold.
- <web:italic xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Whether the alias will be labeled italic.
<web:KeyValuePair xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:key xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The key
- <web:value xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The value
<web:LogExceedingContent xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:logExceedingContentAnalyze xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ExceedingContentAnalyze01 - Enables logging of exceeding content and optionally of boxes.
- <web:logExceedingContentAgainst xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
ExceedingContentAgainst01 - Enables logging of exceeding content either against the page edges, page content areas or containers.
<web:MediaFeatureValue xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:mediaFeature xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
MediaFeature01 - The media feature.
- <web:value xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The value that is associated with the given media feature.
<web:OutputFormat xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:type xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
OutputType01 - the output format. See
constants - <web:width xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The with of the output in pixels (image formats only). Values <1 will be computed based on the specified height and the aspect ratio of the input document.
- <web:height xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The height of the output in pixels (image formats only). Values <1 will be computed based on the specified width and the aspect ratio of the input document.
- <web:multiImage xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Indicates whether the image output will be paginated into multiple images.
<web:OutputIntent xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:identifier xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
["String","OutputIntentDefaultProfile"]01 - The identifier
- <web:data xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Base6401 - The profile data
- <web:url xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The profile URL
<web:PagesPerSheetProperties xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:cols xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The number of columns per sheet.
- <web:rows xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Integer01 - The number of rows per sheet.
- <web:sheetSize xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The sheet size as CSS size, e.g.
,letter landscape
,15in 20in
,20cm 30cm
. - <web:sheetMargin xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The sheet margin as CSS margin, e.g.
,1cm 1.5cm
,10mm 20mm 10mm 30mm
is interpreted as0mm
. - <web:spacing xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The horizontal and vertical space between pages on a sheet as CSS value, e.g.
,5mm 2mm
is interpreted as0mm
. - <web:direction xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
PagesPerSheetDirection01 - The direction in which the pages are ordered on a sheet.
<web:PdfScriptAction xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:triggerEvent xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
PdfScriptTriggerEvent01 - The event on which the script is executed.
Value is a
constant. - <web:script xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The script source that should be executed.
<web:Resource xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:content xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The content of the style sheet.
- <web:uri xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The URI of the style sheet.
<web:ScriptResource xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:content xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The content of the script.
- <web:uri xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The URI of the script.
- <web:beforeDocumentScripts xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
Boolean01 - Use
to cause PDFreactor to run the script before all scripts inside the document andfalse
to run it after.
<web:SignPDF xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:keystoreURL xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The URL to the keystore file.
- <web:keyAlias xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The alias of the certificate included in the keystore to be used to sign the PDF.
- <web:keystorePassword xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - The password of the keystore.
- <web:keystoreType xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
KeystoreType01 - The format of the keystore, i.e.
. Use one of theKeystoreType
constants as value. - <web:signinMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
SigningMode01 - The mode that is used to sign the PDF, i.e.
,Windows certificate
. Use one of theSigningMode
constants as value.
<web:Xmp xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
- <web:content xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - XMP, as an XML string, to be embedded into the PDF document.
- <web:uri xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
String01 - URI to XMP to be embedded into the PDF document, if
. - <web:priority xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com">
XmpPriority01 - Priority of this XMP over XMP generated automaticaly for the conformance requirements of certain output formats.
<web:Cleanup xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Indicates that the CyberNeko HTML parser will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
- Indicates that JTidy will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
- Indicates that no cleanup will be performed when loading a document. If the loaded document is not well-formed, an exception will be thrown.
- Indicates that tagsoup will be used to perform a cleanup when loading a non-well-formed document.
<web:ColorSpace xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- The color space CMYK
- The color space RGB
<web:Conformance xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- PDF with no additional restrictions (default)
- PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level A)
- PDF/A-1a + PDF/UA-1 ....
- PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1:2005 Level B)
- PDF/A-2a (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level A)
- PDF/A-2a + PDF/UA-1 ....
- PDF/A-2b (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level B)
- PDF/A-2u (ISO 19005-2:2011 Level U)
- PDF/A-3a (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level A)
- PDF/A-3a + PDF/UA-1 ....
- PDF/A-3b (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level B)
- PDF/A-3u (ISO 19005-3:2012 Level U)
- PDF/UA-1 (ISO ...)
- PDFX1A_2001
- PDF/X-1a:2001 (ISO 15930-1:2001)
- PDFX1A_2003
- PDF/X-1a:2003 (ISO 15930-4:2003)
- PDFX3_2002
- PDF/X-3:2002 (ISO 15930-3:2002)
- PDFX3_2003
- PDF/X-3:2003 (ISO 15930-6:2003)
- PDF/X-4 (ISO 15930-7:2008)
- PDF/X-4p (ISO 15930-7:2008)
<web:Doctype xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Indicates that the document type will be detected automatically. A document has the type Doctype.HTML5 if the name of the root element is "html" (ignoring case considerations). In all other cases the document type is Doctype.XML.
- Indicates that the document type will be set to HTML5. The HTML default style sheet is used and the document is loaded regarding style elements, style attributes and link stylesheets.
- Indicates that the document type will be set to XHTML. The HTML default style sheet is used and the document is loaded regarding style elements, style attributes and link stylesheets.
- Indicates that the document type will be set to generic XML. No default style sheet is used and the document is loaded as is without regards to style elements or attributes.
<web:Encryption xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Indicates that the document will not be encrypted. If encryption is disabled then no user password and no owner password can be used.
- TYPE_128
- Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 128 bit encryption. For normal purposes this value should be used.
- TYPE_40
- Indicates that the document will be encrypted using RC4 40 bit encryption.
<web:ExceedingContentAgainst xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Do not log exceeding content
- Log content exceeding the edges of its page
- Log content exceeding its page content area (overlaps the page margin)
- Log content exceeding its container
<web:ExceedingContentAnalyze xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Log exceeding content
- Log exceeding content and all boxes
- Log exceeding content and boxes without absolute positioning
- Do not log exceeding content
<web:HttpsMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Indicates lenient HTTPS behavior. This means that many certificate issues are ignored.
- Indicates strict HTTPS behavior. This matches the default behavior of Java.
<web:JavaScriptMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Indicates that JavaScript is disabled.
- Indicates that JavaScript is enabled.
- Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, without access to layout data.
- Indicates that JavaScript is enabled, without converter-specific optimizations to timeouts and intervals. This mode is significantly more time consuming and should only be used when no other mode provides the expected results.
- Indicates that JavaScript is enabled,
with time stamps increasing more quickly.
This makes some kinds of JS based animations (e.g. when using jQuery)
finish immediately, which has the same effect as
JavaScriptMode.ENABLED_REAL_TIME, but is significantly faster.
is affected by this.
<web:KeystoreType xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Keystore type "jks"
- PKCS12
- Keystore type "pkcs12"
<web:LogLevel xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Indicates that debug, info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
- Indicates that only fatal log events will be logged.
- Indicates that info, warn and fatal log events will be logged.
- Indicates that no log events will be logged.
- Indicates that all log events will be logged.
- Indicates that warn and fatal log events will be logged.
<web:MediaFeature xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page content.
By default, this value is computed using the values of MediaFeature.WIDTH and MediaFeature.HEIGHT. Setting a specific value does override the computed value.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per color component.
Default value is 8.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of entries in the color lookup table.
Default value is 0, as there is no color lookup table.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the aspect ratio of the page.
By default, this value is computed using the values of MediaFeature.DEVICE_WIDTH and MediaFeature.DEVICE_HEIGHT. Setting a specific value does override the computed value.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the height of the page.
The default height is that of a DIN A4 page (297mm).
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the width of the page.
The default width is that of a DIN A4 page (210mm).
CSS 3 Media Feature defining whether the output is grid-based.
Default value 0, as PDFs are not grid-based.
CSS 3 Media Feature height of page content.
The default height is that of a DIN A4 page with 1cm margin (277mm).
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer.
Default value is 0, as the device is not monochrome.
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the page orientation.
By default, this value is computed using the values of MediaFeature.WIDTH and MediaFeature.HEIGHT. Setting a specific value does override the computed value.
Valid values are "portrait" or "landscape"
CSS 3 Media Feature describing the resolution of the output device.
This also defines the value of the
property available from JavaScript.Default value is 2dppx.
CSS 3 Media Feature width of page content.
The default width is that of a DIN A4 page with 1cm margin (190mm).
<web:MergeMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Default merge mode: Append converted document to existing PDF
- Advanced merge mode: Allows to insert specific pages from existing PDFs into the converted document. This is done via a special syntax of pageOrder.
- Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document above the existing PDF
- Alternate merge mode (overlay): Adding converted document below the existing PDF
- Alternate merge mode: Prepend converted document to existing PDF
<web:OutputIntentDefaultProfile xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- "Coated FOGRA39" output intent default profile
- "Coated GRACoL 2006" output intent default profile
- "ISO News print 26% (IFRA)" output intent default profile
- "Japan Color 2001 Coated" output intent default profile
- "Japan Color 2001 Newspaper" output intent default profile
- "Japan Color 2001 Uncoated" output intent default profile
- "Japan Web Coated (Ad)" output intent default profile
- "US Web Coated (SWOP) v2" output intent default profile
- SWOP_3
- "Web Coated SWOP 2006 Grade 3 Paper" output intent default profile
<web:OutputType xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- BMP output format
- GIF output format
- JPEG output format
- PDF output format
- PNG output format (using Java Image I/O)
- PNG output format (using Apache Imaging)
- Transparent PNG output format (using Java Image I/O)
- Transparent PNG output format (using Apache Imaging)
- Monochrome CCITT 1D compressed TIFF output format
- Monochrome CCITT Group 3 compressed TIFF output format
- Monochrome CCITT Group 4 compressed TIFF output format
- LZW compressed TIFF output format
- PackBits compressed TIFF output format
- Uncompressed TIFF output format
<web:OverlayRepeat xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- All pages of the shorter document are repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document
- Last page of the shorter document is repeated, to overlay all pages of the longer document
- No pages of the shorter document are repeated, leaving some pages of the longer document without overlay
- The resulting PDF is trimmed to the number of pages of the shorter document
<web:PageOrder xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Page order mode to arrange all pages in booklet order
- Page order mode to arrange all pages in right-to-left booklet order
- Page order mode to keep even pages only
- Page order mode to keep odd pages only
- Page order mode to reverse the page order
<web:PagesPerSheetDirection xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and right to left.
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from top to bottom and left to right.
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and top to bottom.
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from right to left and bottom to top.
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and top to bottom.
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from left to right and bottom to top.
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and right to left.
- Arranges the pages on a sheet from bottom to top and left to right.
<web:PdfScriptTriggerEvent xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- This event is triggered after the PDF has been printed by the viewer application.
- This event is triggered after the PDF has been saved by the viewer application.
- This event is triggered before the PDF is printed by the viewer application.
- This event is triggered before the PDF is saved by the viewer application.
- This event is triggered when the PDF is closed by the viewer application.
- This event is triggered when the PDF is opened in the viewer application.
<web:ProcessingPreferences xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Processing preferences flag for the memory saving mode for images.
<web:SigningMode xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Signing mode for self-signed certificates.
- Signing mode for VeriSign certificates.
- Signing mode for Windows certificates.
<web:ViewerPreferences xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Position the document's window in the center of the screen.
- Position pages in ascending order from left to right.
- Position pages in ascending order from right to left.
- Display the document's title in the top bar.
- Print dialog default setting: duplex (long edge)
- Print dialog default setting: duplex (short edge)
- Print dialog default setting: simplex
- Resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
- Hide the viewer application's menu bar when the document is active.
- Hide the viewer application's tool bars when the document is active.
- Hide user interface elements in the document's window.
- Show no panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
- Show optional content group panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
- Show bookmarks panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
- Show thumbnail images panel on exiting full-screen mode. Has to be combined with ViewerPreferences.PAGE_MODE_FULLSCREEN.
- Display the pages in one column.
- Display one page at a time. (default)
- Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the left.
- Display the pages in two columns, with odd numbered pages on the right.
- Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the left.
- Display two pages at a time, with odd numbered pages on the right.
- Switch to fullscreen mode on startup.
- Show attachments panel on startup.
- Show no panel on startup.
- Show optional content group panel on startup.
- Show bookmarks panel on startup.
- Show thumbnail images panel on startup.
- Print dialog default setting: do not pick tray by PDF size
- Print dialog default setting: pick tray by PDF size
- Print dialog default setting: set scaling to application default value.
- Print dialog default setting: disabled scaling
<web:XmpPriority xmlns:web="http://webservice.pdfreactor.realobjects.com"> String
- Embed XMP ignoring requirments of the output format. This may cause output PDFs to not archive a specified conformance.
- Embed XMP if the output format does not have XMP requirments.
- Do not embed XMP.